NEED 1987 Fleer Basketball PSA 9/10 Michael Cooper (#21)
Posts: 28 ✭
I am down to one card to complete my 87 Fleer basketball set in PSA 9 (no qualifiers) or PSA 10. Will buy via PayPal.
21 Michael Cooper
Any help is much appreciated!
Bump - updated list
Bump - updated list
updated list
Updated list.
updated list
updated list
updated list
Bump. Lost out on the recent Greg Ballard ebay sale. I couldn't believe how much it sold for.
Do you think that card changes hands at that price? I guess the pop of 86 has some impact but any idea on what else is driving it like that?
I thought the Ballard sale was off the charts high. No clue what else could be driving that because prices on many other cards in that set (base and stickers) for some of the stars have actually declined.
Found the Alex English Sticker! Only the Ballard, Cooper and Lister base cards remaining.
Any help is appreciated! Thanks.
Bump - got the Alton Lister last night. Two to go!
bump. Still looking for the Ballard and Cooper PSA 9 or 10.
bump. Still looking for the Ballard and Cooper PSA 9 or 10.
Found the Greg Ballard. One to go!
Set completed