For Sale: Everything $20 Or Less -

Payment can be paid by Fee Free/Family & Friends PayPal, Postal MO, or Check.
$3.75 Shipping. If buying MORE THAN ONE set or combination of sets from any lot marked "<<<", I will figure and charge EXACT postage. $3.75 minimum.
**More photos happily provided upon request.
1935 Buffalo Nickel. Modern carved Hobo Nickel $2.25
1968-S Proof Jefferson Nickel. Rim CUD above “96” of date. The coin is in a Kointain so it’s difficult to photograph clearly. $7.50
1960-D RPM #1. Nicely separated mint marks. I would say this coin is a brown AU/UNC with small hint of red on the obverse. ****The close-up of the mint mark is not from this coin but shown for illustration purposes**** $7.50
1945-D Lincoln Cent RPM #13 Stage C D/D Southwest Free and post paid for the asking.
<<< 1999 P & D Susan B. Anthony Dollar in OGP
3 sets available $9.75 ea. or all 3 for $25.00
<<< 1999-P Proof Susan B. Anthony Dollar in OGP $14.50
<<< 2000-S 10-Coin Proof Set in OPG
3 sets available $9.75 ea. or all 3 for $25.00
Clad Quarter Blank Planchet. 9 available. $6.00 ea. or 2 for $9.00
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USAF (Ret) 1974 - 1994 - The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings; the inherent virtue of socialism is the equal sharing of miseries. Remembering RickO, a brother in arms.
New items added 7/9
Prices lowered 7/10. At these sacrifice prices, please note postage requirements on larger lots.
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