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IT'S PARTY TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YEE HAW!!!!!

It's time for the "GREATEST OUTDOOR SHOW ON EARTH" the Calgary Stampede if you have a week off and need a place to party you gotta come up here to see it.....The whole city goes freakin crazy and doesn't sleep!!!!!!
Stampede Website if you don't beleve me!!!!!!!!!
My Refs.

41 positives, 0 negitives


  • lol...you know what goin on up in canada? i see a BUNCH of smooke that mustve carried from up there. im in NJ LMK whats goin on!
  • SoDoMoJoSoDoMoJo Posts: 1,558 ✭✭
    it's really hard to explain but check out the site it's like a HUGE county fair with bands and a rodeo and TONS of drinking!!!! hel! i'm drunk right now!!! lol jokes!!
    My Refs.

    41 positives, 0 negitives
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