Should college football change its playoff system ?

in Sports Talk
Lots of money to be made if they expand from 4 teams to 8 or even 16. Home field advantage to the higher ranked teams. Lots and lots of money to be made. I see the day coming sooner than later.
Do you like the current format, don’t care, or would prefer to see it expanded ?
Rumor has it that it'll be a 12 team format when the change is made. I would like that better than the current system.
12 makes sense. Top 4 get byes. All Conference Champs get in. It will take 4 weeks. Can start the week after the regular season. Players will need to get paid if this format comes to fruition. Also it's basically saying classes don't really matter at this level
Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
Every year it seems like there are teams that go unbeaten but don't get in the playoff and they say they think they should've gotten in. Well, let's expand it and give these teams a crack at it and see what they really got. Yes, expand it.
Yes it needs expanded. 12 would be great in my opinion. Gets all of the conference champs in, can also include some non power 5 teams if they have some worthy. I would also like to see the first round or 2 played in home stadiums for the higher seeded team. How awesome would that be to see playoff games in home stadiums for the fans, especially if you have an SEC team coming north to a Big Ten stadium in the winter.
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The only change I would make is that you have to be a conference champion to get in. Outside of maybe UCF a couple years ago (who, btw, are officially recognized as a national champion by the NCAA), I can't think of any worthy teams that got excluded.
2016 Penn State was excluded. They won the Big Ten Championship and beat Ohio State head to head, but OSU got put in the playoff.
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They didn't have a case. The argument to be made is that Ohio didn't belong, not that Penn State did. If you lose by 39, AND have two losses, you can't argue that you belong in the playoff.
But this situation would be handled by the modification I suggested - conference champs only.
I agree with what you're saying. It's hard to justify OSU being in over PSU, in reality neither should have been in it. But since OSU got in, PSU had the argument with the championship and head to head win even with the 2 losses. It did lead to one of the best games i have ever watched though, that USC-PSU Rose Bowl was incredible.
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Yeah, that game was tremendous. Watched it from a casino bar/restaurant with unlimited prime rib and crab on the buffet! And not on my dime, LOL.
But, yeah, you'll never convince me PSU should've been in that year. Or Ohio, for that matter. 3rd place in your conference shouldn't net you a playoff berth.
The playoff is going to be expanded to 8 teams within the next 2-3 yrs.
In 2016 The Buckeyes got in over Penn State because they only had one loss....on the road by 3 points. Not to mention they had 3 wins over top 15 teams.
Terry Bradshaw was AMAZING!!
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2015 Ohio State - One loss defending champions
2018 Ohio State- Conference Champions
2019 Ohio State - Conference Champions.
Terry Bradshaw was AMAZING!!
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Erase above 2019. They did make the playoffs that year.
Terry Bradshaw was AMAZING!!
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I'll give you 2018, they were worthy and didn't get accepted.
2015...first of all, defending champions means nothing. So they get no points for that. And they didn't win their conference. Didn't win their division either. 3rd place in your conference means you don't have a case.
I say yes, but that means it's more games my Dawgs would have to win before losing the big one.
12 team playoff......
starting 2023.
Disagree. 2017 Alabama made the playoffs without winning their division and they won the championship.
Terry Bradshaw was AMAZING!!
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Winning the championship doesn't mean they should have been in the tournament in the first place.
If some 7-9 NFL team wins the Super Bowl, that doesn't mean they should have gotten the chance.
Winning it all is proof positive to me they had every right to be in the playoff.
Exactly. Its not like they lost 3 or 4 games. Both 2017 Alabama and 2015 Ohio State only had one loss the entire season.
Terry Bradshaw was AMAZING!!
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Alabama finished 3rd in their conference and played a 1-AA school. They didn't belong in the 4-team tourney.
Pretty much can kiss the bowl system (what remains of it) adios. But I do love the idea of a team from down south finally having to come up north and play in The ‘Shoe in December. Those teams cry when it’s in the 40’s. Get a taste of single digits/teens with negative wind chills.
"I'd walk through Hell in a gasoline suit to play baseball"
Charlie Hustle
i am not sure what the down side to 16 teams would be. it would get rid of the meaningless bowl games and make every playoff game do or die.
college football could rule December and it wouldn't be close
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
Only problem is, for the playoff teams it would be too many games for the entire season. They need to eliminate the conference championship games.
Terry Bradshaw was AMAZING!!
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Problem with 16 teams is people would get tired of 60-0 blowouts in 16-1 and 15-2 games. Also all traditional power houses have fans who travel with their team. That could be diminished with more traveling required.
BTW. 12 is a good number. All power conference Champs are in + the other 7 top rated teams.
I think 12 is way too many. On any givin year there are maybe 4-5 teams elite teams above the rest. 6 teams at the very most. Like you stated, more games, more blowouts. I think 6-8 teams is the right number.
Terry Bradshaw was AMAZING!!
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