WTB: Pre-EURO Portuguese Coins

Looking to add some pre-EURO Portuguese coins into my collection. The older the better.
Thanks in advance,
Looking to add some pre-EURO Portuguese coins into my collection. The older the better.
Thanks in advance,
No one?
maybe i have some old coppers hangin about . they would be i think 10 and 20 reis from late 1800's maybe into the early 1900's. I'll have to see if I can dig them up
Thanks, I'd appreciate that
im having trouble taking pics of them maybe i need to dig up my scanner too
there are 4 20 reis 2 1883 and 2 1892 that are circs they go around 2 bucks each on ebay and are half dollar sized
then i have some of the azores 10 reis from 1901about the same
I also found 2 20 reis azores 1865 that i like and will hang onto and a 40 reis that is a better coin that I posted pics of in this thread which turned out to be a great pickup for 3$
I have some pre-euro Portugal coins for sale on my website https://www.stilloesemporiumenterprises.com/s/search?q=portugal
1928 1 escudo
1963 5 escudos
1964 5 escudos
1965 2.5 escudos
1967 5 escudos
ok I am going to have to try to take pictures . This stupid Lexmark scanner is about to get binned. It will not allow me to scan without replacing the ink even though I have no intention of printing anything

too much flash I know but the ones without flash are worse. You can at least make out what they are
I have some scarcer duplicates I want to sell
are you interested in more expensive stuff?
Thanks for posting. How much are you looking for the bunch?
I could be, what have you got?
10 bucks maybe another 3 for shipping call it lucky 13
I'll take 'em. PM Inbound.
Thanks for making these available.