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Young Numismatist - From Pocket Change to a Career

Below is an excerpt from our latest YN piece from Frank Sawin, which appears in the May/June 2021 edition of the PCGS Rare Coin Market Report. Be sure to read the rest via the link provided.

"My name is Frank Sawin, and I am an 18-year-old numismatist. My passion for numismatics started when I was eight years old. My dad came home from work and handed me a 1961 silver quarter he found in his change. He told me why it was worth more than 25 cents – because of the silver content. I was fascinated that a coin found in pocket change could be worth more than its face value. I told my dad that I wanted to learn more about coins, so he took out his collection to show me. My interest in coins grew rapidly, and soon after I was making trips to the bank buying boxes of cents to look for Lincoln Wheat cents, world coins, mint errors, and varieties.

I am currently collecting Bust Quarters, which I began collecting this past July. I like Bust Quarters for a few different reasons: all years have a low survival rate, I enjoy doing research about Browning varieties, and I believe them to be undervalued compared to other scarce coins."


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