Games from your youth

in Sports Talk
Besides the traditional games like duck-duck-goose, spin the bottle, or red rover, flashlight tag, what is a game that you and your friends played.
1- king of the mountain. There was a big dirt mountain and five of us would try to get to the top while we each tried to tackle each other and wrestle each other back lower. Lots of rounds on this game. Played for hours.
2- we had a pond with a long rope tied to the top of a huge oak tree. We tried to swing from one side of the pond to the other without falling in. You had to release yourself strategically at the end or you were wet.
We played a game with a football called Smear the person with the alternative lifestyle.
We loved to play capture the flag, each team has a flag at there chosen base and you have to get it and take it back to your base. If you get touched by the opposing team then you become their prisoner in their jail and can't be freed until someone from your team gets to you and touches you. We usually played this game in a big wooded area.
Maul ball. You just ran around with the ball until some other kid was able to wrest it from you by any weaponless means. Then HE'D run around until... well, you get it.
Here's a warning parable for coin collectors...
In our neck of the woods in the 70s we called it “kill the man with the ball”.
Of course you couldn’t call it that today. Times have changed.
This is a very popular physical education game now that is played in many elementary schools.