1955 Proof Set (in 2x2s), 90% silver, odds and ends ALL SOLD MANY THANKS

Howdy all,
Time to move some materials out. As always, I am open to reasonable counters, if appropriate. I accept just about all payment types, check/mo, PPG&S +3%, PPFF, VENMO, etc. Let me know what you want/like, and let's get the ball rolling! Shipping fees are noted, unless it says "delivered."
Things that I have right now include a really nice 1955 proof set, that was put into sleeves instead of a capital plastics holder. The Frank and Wash are extremely nice. Not Cameo nice, but really nice. Dime, nickel, and penny are average for the series. Asking $SOLD delivered for the set. If you hate then, return them, no problem.
90% in the form of AU/BU super slider franks, gone.
90% circ franks and walkers gone.
Dead people tell interesting tales.
Check your pm's (at the other place)
Great seller. Better than described, quick shipping, Thanks again!