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Does anyone want to trade their PS2 for a nice high end card?

LMK, my PS2 doesn't load the games anymore and I have no idea why. I went to the place I bought it at and they said to call Sony. When I called them, they said to just buy a new one cause it would cost about the same to fix it.

I would rather just get a used one that works and trade a card or something for it...would even trade some DVDs or some combination like that....I have over 300+ DVDs

LMK if anyone is interested! I need to continue my FFX game! LOL!



  • You get mad at it and hit it?
    Looking for ANDY MCDONALD CARDS!!


    REFS: NatAker, Deshields17, Caricon, NASH,Baird34, 4sportcollector, Viking, coachvinny,naturalbrntrader,playr050, Jrccrum, epage64, euphoria18, Bobstar, Remster, CARDJUNKIE3, Oasurfer
  • lol, actually no - i used to back in the old NINTENDO days, but I turn it on now and it doesn't load the disc. the screen will come up and show the memory card, like it reads that it is in there, but not the game...
  • Ok, Send me $100 in cards an I will tell you how to get a new one.

    1. Go to a store
    2. Buy a PS2
    3. Carefully open the box and remove it
    4. Put your broke @$$ PS2 in the box
    5. Go back to the store and say it dont work
    6. Get a refund
    7. Enjoy your new PS2
  • You don't think the store would notice that the PS2 was used???
    Have traded with Ski (x2), Sporto, Donniebaseball, heavyd (x3), cardnyou, sportsguy, chayne2, samsgirl, Vittleboy, JRCCrum (x2), and Bud (x2).
  • thanks colt for the illegal and immoral advice
    and thats why retail prices are way higher than they need to be because of idiocy like that
    always looking for yankee game used and autos..star/hof baseball rc's game used and autos check my site at

    ref list- raf12, top of ohio, jrccrum,awaltz,mcdee2,johnscottanthony,nbasteve,vincesanity, mpower, sportscardfun.com 60 pts + for more pm me
  • LOL goyanks...yea the illegal side will pretty much take care of that one!
  • Just do it at Wal-Mart
    There is always somone old workin the returns, they wont even open the box.
  • Hey sporto try to turn your whole system upside down. It'll work trust me. haha old trick I used to use.
    refs: Baird34, KLS23, ILuvSportsCards, NoDoubt64, Playr050, Samsgirl, Z28, Chillinbj(2),Gohalos

    Looking for GU, AUTOs and RCs of Jeter, Ripken, Schmidt, Yastremski, Maris, Mantle, Ruth, Williams, Mays, Mattingly.
    My Site
  • I am the best at doing the return thing. If something breaks, and I didn't do anything to cause the problem, your d@mn right I am pulling the switch-a-roo. People may call it an integrity issue, but as long as it's SONY, they can KISS MY A$$! It serves them right for not making 8M memory cards for PS2 anymore. Clean your system up, and return the used one. That's what I would do. Plus, the flunky working in the returns department most of the time could really care less. That's what minimum wage will do to a person.

    Dodgamatic's Cards

    REFS: Patman2011, swides, Raf12, PullKing, TeamKansas, Jeffo81
  • lol
    Sporto changed his message
  • Colt - LOL ya like that one? How's that for a switch-a-roo!
  • colt i hope you are kidding...as what you are recommending is fraud.....and it truly is the reason retail prices are so outrageous (if you only knew what stores paid for what they sell)
    always looking for yankee game used and autos..star/hof baseball rc's game used and autos check my site at

    ref list- raf12, top of ohio, jrccrum,awaltz,mcdee2,johnscottanthony,nbasteve,vincesanity, mpower, sportscardfun.com 60 pts + for more pm me
  • Plus I am trying winsarc's idea right now...let's see if that works...
  • nope winsarc - didn't work, it still jsut says reading disc and it doesn't load...only shows the memory card...
  • Hmm well it worked with PS1. Oh well tried to help.
    refs: Baird34, KLS23, ILuvSportsCards, NoDoubt64, Playr050, Samsgirl, Z28, Chillinbj(2),Gohalos

    Looking for GU, AUTOs and RCs of Jeter, Ripken, Schmidt, Yastremski, Maris, Mantle, Ruth, Williams, Mays, Mattingly.
    My Site
  • anyone???
  • When did you get your system?
    My E-Bay Auctions

    Glenn Robinson Auto Collection 7/21
  • i have had it approximately 1 year
  • Couldn't get your site to work
  • i will have to personally send you my tradelist because it is in the process of being finished .. also mk what dvds you have
  • that's fine just pm it to me
  • ok
  • PS2 anyone?
  • YanksFanYanksFan Posts: 1,305 ✭✭
    Sporto-How much in trade do you need for your broken PS2. I know alot about electronics and would give a shot at fixing it. I probably won't be able to, but thats ok. It would be something to do. PLMK.
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