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How do you remove old scans of coins?

Mr_SpudMr_Spud Posts: 5,887 ✭✭✭✭✭

I have a couple of coins that already had old poor quality scans and it won’t let me remove them. I downloaded new images, but the old scans still show up as my inventory picture and also in my virtual album. How do I get rid of those old scans?



  • Mr_SpudMr_Spud Posts: 5,887 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited May 25, 2021 9:06PM

    heres what I’m talking about
    The trade dollar had an old scan image when I first entered the coin into my inventory and it looks like this:

    So I uploaded my new images I want to use and if I go to the edit page my image is there twice and with a little X above them. I can delete my new images by clicking the X, but the original scan images are still there with no little X above so I can’t delete them. No matter what I do, when I go back to my main page the scan is what shows up. Same with my Digital Albums, if I go to add the image it only allows the scan images and not my new. Here’s the edit page that shows the X only above my images and not above the scan images

    So, does anybody know how I can get rid of the scan images so my new images show up in my Registry sets and Digital Albums? I have a couple of coins like that where I can’t get rid of the old scan images


  • retirednowretirednow Posts: 589 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Your screen shot is different than the one I am familiar with on my PC however, I presume the image was not a PCGS image? As I do not think you can delete a PCGS image from the listing.

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  • Mr_SpudMr_Spud Posts: 5,887 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited May 26, 2021 8:08AM

    It’s an old PCGS scan that they used to do before Trueviews.


  • CrackoutCrackout Posts: 1,372 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Under the main menu of items on the left pulldown menu (dashboard, add inventory, start a set, etc.), I had to go to "preferences" and uncheck the box for "Import TrueView". I wanted to use my own images and not the TrueViews. If that box is checked, it automatically chooses the TrueView image for the Digital Album and Gallery View. Once unchecked, I could choose my own image.

  • Mr_SpudMr_Spud Posts: 5,887 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Thanks, I’ll try that

    @Crackout said:
    Under the main menu of items on the left pulldown menu (dashboard, add inventory, start a set, etc.), I had to go to "preferences" and uncheck the box for "Import TrueView". I wanted to use my own images and not the TrueViews. If that box is checked, it automatically chooses the TrueView image for the Digital Album and Gallery View. Once unchecked, I could choose my own image.


  • Mr_SpudMr_Spud Posts: 5,887 ✭✭✭✭✭

    It worked for the most part. It allowed me to pick the image I want in the digital album, which is great, but it still shows the scan in my inventory and in my registry sets pages themselves. But I’m happy with it allowing me to use my own images in the album 🌞


  • GoldminersGoldminers Posts: 4,247 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Did you try going to your registry sets in edit mode to get your coin lists, then click on the individual coin certificate number and the pictures show up with a choice of add, remove, or rotate buttons?

    I did that to some old scans that had scratches on the holders, that I finally rubbed out and replaced.

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