Final 24 - Nicole Brown Simpson

in Sports Talk
Anyone ever see it ? Very sad story. I know some people collect OJ cards, but I never could. I’m not saying anyone is perfect, but that is one unfortunate story.
I havent seen that one, but I have seen a lot over the years. tragic case for sure. Sadly, Ron Goldman is usually forgotten about. Talk about being in the wrong place at the wrong time.
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
My personal opinion of OJ, is he's scum. He brutally murdered two innocent people and got away with it. I've seen the pictures of the crime seen, and I hope he burns in hell for what he did.
Does OJ still have his Heisman trophy?
If so, maybe he could give it to Reggie Bush as a goodwill gesture.
You can see the rage pouring out of Goldman's dad. I wouldn't be surprised if he went the eye for an eye route.
Old saying: Never mess with an old man, they have nothing to lose.
Don't get into a fight with an old man.......or a FAT man. When alcohol is involved.
to add, there is such a thing as old man strength. I have met many hard working old timer who could lift, tug and pull far more than a man of his age should be able to. most of them either worked in the woods or paper mills. pencil pushers, not so much.
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
The last thing boxers lose is their punch (strength). Which is one reason why some continue on at a late athletic age, hoping to get in a lucky punch against a younger, superior opponent.
The first thing to go is the legs.