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WTB: 1997 Philadelphia Mint Souvenir Set

LDPattersonLDPatterson Posts: 2

Hi. I am looking to purchase a 1997 Souvenir Set from the Philadelphia Mint. If you have one you are interested in selling then please contact me. Although I am new to posting here I am not a new collector. Also, I am aware of the lack of hard data concerning mint souvenir sets and the total absence of numismatic value that can be assigned to them. Thanks for reading!!



  • HistmanHistman Posts: 242 ✭✭✭

    It took me over a year and a half watching eBay every day to finally see one come up for sale. It was the last one I needed to complete the set. It cost me $1,400.00 to get it. I hope you have better luck than I did. Good Luck!

  • Thanks, I hear you. I've been watching diligently for the last year and off and on since 2017. I sometimes wish I didn't have this stupid collector gene that abhors the open slot....

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