1995 DD Double Die Lincoln Cents... are they Obverse or Reverse?

Hey guys I have these 2 1995 DD Pennies and am hoping you can look them over for me. They say DD which suggests they are Double Die coins. I don't know what I am looking for as far proof that they are actually DD coins. Also I see that they can be doubled on either the Obverse or the Reverse. Can anybody tell me if they are in fact Double Die coins and on which side?
Also the sticker says BU and has been stapled shut since 1999, do you think they are still BU?
Thank you guys for everything you do for us!
Looks like they may be a doubled die obverse. See if they match this photo.
Nice little haul of one of the more common DDOs of the series. Worth about what they are listed at on the flips
Call check out to these eyes
11.5$ Southern Dollars, The little “Big Easy” set
They are doublED, with an ED at the end. And they would be of the obverse variety.
Yes, obverse. The 1995 is by far the most common major doubled die in the Lincoln Cent series, they are still very cool though.
Collector, occasional seller
"Doubled" die, got it. Thank you all so much for your knowledge and willingness to help!
There is also a Denver Mint DDO for the year, as shown here-

It is many times rarer and much more expensive that the Philly coin.
An excellent resource to look at and verify all 20th century doubled dies can be found here-
I know this photo is useless. I cannot get good photos of copper.
Anywho, I bought this Gem BU 1995 Dbl Die Lincoln Cent on 02/15/1996. I bought it from Bob Kelly Coins for $19.95.
Ya know how you took a close up of the sticker on the coin flip? Take that kind of close up on the coin. Like others have stated, doubling is prevalent on the "LIBERTY" and "IGWT"
"When they can't find anything wrong with you, they create it!"
Big money was paid for these doubled dies when they were first discovered.
I don't really collect varieties, but I happened to see one going cheap on eBay back then and made a bid just for the heck of it. Got it for six bucks.