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May is National Tennis month

coolstanleycoolstanley Posts: 3,066 ✭✭✭✭✭

Tennis participation in the United States increased by 22 percent in 2020 over 2019. Additionally, in the nine-state area covered by United States Tennis Association (USTA) Southern, there was a 31.1 percent increase.

Nearly 22 million people played the sport last year, according to the recently released Physical Activity Council’s Participation (PAC) report, which surveyed more than 120 different sports and activities participated in by Americans.

We are thrilled that so many people found the joy of tennis during a year when so many sports were put on hold. As tennis continues to grow, nearly seven million people were new to the game or returned as players during 2020. The growth from 2019 in both new and returning players is staggering.

There is a vibrant local tennis community that is making tennis happen here called Lake Cumberland Tennis Association. I represent the local United States Tennis Association (USTA) community tennis association (CTA). Local people - almost all of whom are passionate, committed volunteers - run tennis programs, tournaments and leagues in this community.

The participation numbers are strong evidence that Lake Cumberland Tennis Association was part of a united tennis industry that ensured that tennis not only survived but thrived. Not only did participation numbers increase, but racquet sales in the entry-level category also increased nearly 40 percent. That’s big for local business as it also means that sales of tennis apparel, court time, etc. has also been lifted.

Tennis is the ideal social distancing sport, which puts it in a great position to continue to grow and allow people to stay active and social in a healthy and safe manner. And the health benefits of playing tennis were recognized in numerous studies, including adding 9.7 years of life for tennis players over sedentary people. Tennis also has mental and social benefits, especially for young players.

Tennis interest in Kentucky has seen a significant growth with various beginner and recreational programming offered. Thousands of players are participating across the state, many of which are new to the game. Lake Cumberland Tennis Association organizes events such as Drop Shots social doubles, Junior Team Tennis, Tennis Apprentice, junior clinics, adult leagues, Alton Blakley Lake Cumberland Open, various local tournaments as well as send teams to compete at State level.

Terry Bradshaw was AMAZING!!

Ignore list -Basebal21


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