Fight breaks out at Target over trading cards

A few weeks ago a fight broke out at a Wisconsin Target over trading cards, now Target has suspended the sale of trading cards. Here's the video of the story after the fight and the story of Target suspending the sale of trading cards.
Target halts sale of trading cards after store brawl
Target announced Thursday that it was temporarily pausing the sale of all trading cards, including Pokémon, after a brawl outside one of its Wisconsin locations.
A Target in Wisconsin went into lockdown last week a 35-year-old man was beat up by four other men over sports trading cards. The attack occurred in the store’s parking lot but the attackers fled when the man was able to draw his gun. The gang of four was arrested nearby shortly after.
A view of several packs of sports cards on display at a local department store.
A view of several packs of sports cards on display at a local department store. (Shutterstock/Shutterstock)
The sport in question was not released.
“The safety of our guests and our team is our top priority,” Target said in a statement to CNN. “Out of an abundance of caution, we’ve decided to temporarily suspend the sale of MLB, NFL, NBA and Pokémon trading cards within our stores, effective May 14.”
Target did not say how long the suspension would last but said cards would still be available online.
Both Pokémon and sports cards have seen renewed interest as both collectibles and assets, with cards fetching record prices at auctions in recent months. Production cuts have also made new cards harder to come by.
It's gotten crazy, I'm glad I do my shopping for cards on ebay.
I'm not sure that i believe the story. Likely the man flashed a lot of cash when he made the purchase and that's what the four thieves were really after.
In any event, to discontinue selling a popular item because of one alleged incident? Doesn't seem like a good idea to me.
You could be right, but It wouldn't surprise me if the story was true, these people are crazy when it comes to cards. I've heard that these guys know exactly what days the employees are going to restock the cards and they show up and wait for the shelves to be restocked and then all heck breaks loose. Check out this photo of people waiting for the employee to restock the cards.
Crazy over cards is fine.
But risking a felony charge and jail time over it by beating someone up in a parking lot? With security camera all around? Card collectors aren't that stupid. Besides, i've never known a card collector to be violent.
No, i think these were just four ordinary punk thieves, and i hope they get what's coming to them under the law.
Yes, there's nothing worse than a thief that preys on innocent people, they'll get caught, and hopefully serve hard time!
It's official. No more sports card sales at that store. I think?
the pokemon cards are causing a lot of problems too
Maybe they'll ban cards altogether and go door to door looking to confiscate.
They'll never find my cards. I've got a great hiding spot in my house.
I've got cards stashed all over the place, so many that it's getting hard to move around without running into a box of them. They're even spilling out onto floor, I slipped on a Larry Bird card the other day and nearly fell
You can sue Larry Bird for that.
It's on the scumbag-lawyers-are-us website.
Learn your lesson DoubleD! Never leave Larry Legend on the floor.