Wilhelmina Got Married

Queen Wilhelmina of the Netherlands is one of my personal heros. I honor her with a medal collection. I came across this unusual piece. As per the vendor's description, it was designed by Carel Adolph Lion Cachet. The tin plaque was made in 1901 by J.A Gerritsen in Amsterdam to commemorate the wedding of Queen Wilhelmina. 45,000 were made to be presented to schoolboys in Amsterdam while schoolgirls received a flowerpot also designed by Cachet.
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I give away money. I collect money.
I don’t love money . I do love the Lord God.
Someone expressed interest in the flowerpot. Here is an image, from the Denron Collections website.
I've posted my stuff before, so won't bother anyone again. But yes, she was an interesting monarch and I enjoy collecting coins and medals from her reign. Pre-Euro it was possible to occasionally get 1 and 5 cent coins from the last years of her reign in circulation.