First auction win: Athenian Tetradrachm 440BC-404BC

I’ve never won a coin via auction before.
But last week Heritage Auction had a huge lot of Ancient coins and I was hoping to pick up a Roman aureus.
Sadly I lost that auction
But I picked up this Athenian Tetradrachm for a decent price and it’s my first ever coin buy via auction .
Talk about your classic "ancients" design- it doesn't get much better than this. If I was submitting one of these for grading, I'd have them put the owl side up.
I agree the design is a classic and beautiful design.
The history is even more interesting in my opinion.
440 - 404 BC is only a few decades after Leonidas & his 300 Spartans had their final stand.
Shortly after that the Persians were driven out of Greece entirely and Democracy flourished.
According to some reading I've done the silver for these coins was mined in Laurentium and was used to fund monumental projects like the Parthenon.
It's fascinating to think about who may have had this coin in ancient times although it probably didn't circulate much considering it's MS condition.
Wasn't sure what to expect with thread title - but great coin. Looking for one of those myself. I agree that the history here is mind blowing.
My current "Box of 20"
Sorry about the confusing title I post it here because it’s an Ancient coin and my first ever coin obtained via auction so I wanted to mention that as well lol.
I imagine anyone with an interest in history would be interested in a coin like that from so long ago and from the birthplace of democracy itself.
That's a hell of a place to start. My first was probably some coin for 99 cents on eBay
IG: DeCourcyCoinsEbay: neilrobertson
"Numismatic categorizations, if left unconstrained, will increase spontaneously over time." -me
Well I mean I’ve purchased coins in stores and online before. This is just the first coin I ever won at an auction.
It would’ve been an amazing deal if HA didn’t add that 20% buyers premium. O_o
That's a terrific purchase. According to its quality it must have set you back quite big a amount
@MKUltra24 - That's a beauty. I bought one of them recently, not as nice as yours, but I love it. It's my favorite ancient. Here's mine. It's raw and from a dealer in Italy through the VCoins site.

My OmniCoin Collection
My BankNoteBank Collection
Tom, formerly in Albuquerque, NM.
Thanks! ^_^
Yeah it definitely wasn’t cheap.
I won it with a $1,250 bid + $250 buyer’s premium so $1500 total.
But I still feel it’s a good deal for what I got.
Nice one! The one big problem with them is the centering.
Like with yours it shows the full crest but the front of the face is missing.
Whereas with mine i am missing the full crest.
It’s hard to find one that has the full crest AND the rest of the details.
Based on what people are paying for them on eBay, that sounds like a good deal.
If only that buyer's premium wasn't there it would've been a fantastic deal xD.
But I'm still happy with my purchase and have no regrets.
I think because the Athenian Tetradrachm is such a classic coin they will hold their value over time.
Great way to start off! Congratulations on your purchase.
I have two owl Tetradrachms and love them.
It’s just a shame Heritage Auctions is taking quite a while.
That I don’t really understand since I paid by credit card and it posted to my account and I paid it off several days ago.
But like I said it’s my first auction win so maybe that’s just how auctions work.
Excellent pick up!
My YouTube Channel
Thank you! ^_^
I look forward to picking up some more when I save up enough.
If you would like to email me your contact details at, I would be happy to look into this for you and report back.
Thank you
I will email you shortly.
I appreciate your help!
No problem, @MKUltra24 ! I'm on it.
Love the type and love your auction win too!
Congrats 🍺
"Inspiration exists, but it has to find you working" Pablo Picasso