eBay Categories Changes
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eBay seems to have changed their category structure site-wide. This has had an odd effect on all of my saved searches. For example, there is now a category within the sports hierarchy called “trading card singles.” A typical PSA graded card now seems to live within this category, but my searches (which are looking in this category) come up empty.
It seems to be a problem with pre-listed items not being found after the category overhaul. Anyone else having a problem with this?
So I'm not losing my mind, all my dedicated hockey box searches have been infested with baseball as of this morning!
All my listings have been moved to the generic Trading Card Singles category and not into the sport specific ones. Can't search by specific sport say if you just put in a year, even if you dial down to a specific sport. It's BORKED!
Yes, been happening for awhile. They eliminated several categories that I rely on such as Non Sports Card Singles,
, Vintage ect.
So about 5 categories went Poof with that. Can't even find anything but Modern Crap with the new Categories!
I've been having problems trying to list new cards all morning. At first I was getting an error and wasn't able to create a new listing at all, and now it's working but the Item Specifics section is completely blank. I also saw this new info in my messages this morning.
My question is, will I have to go through and edit my 2700+ active listings?? That would suck.
Yeah, another head scratching change. I was already having issues with my PSA 9 & 10 searches being filled with 6's and 7's, and now this. Next will be sports cards being grouped with Pokemon cards.
Depending what you need to change, there is the bulk editor, though it will still suck with 2700 check boxes!
So now everything is funneled into the "Sports Mem, Cards & Fan Shop > Sports Trading Cards > Trading Card Singles" category. Super dumb idea, but this I can live with.
The Item Specifics section is confusing... so is it no longer required to specify "player, team, year, sport, etc"? I remember going through before when they made these MANDATORY and I had to go through and edit every single listing to update these specs... and now they're all blown away??
Only really works if people are searching for specific players. If you search by years, you are going to end up with multiple sports in your search.
I guess someone with influence thought it was broke.
Now we're all suffering for it.
It’s especially bad for comic books, where the categories for Golden Age, Silver Age, Bronze Age and Modern Age have been merged. Many collectors only care about specific eras, and unlike with cards, the year of issue is not generally included in the auction title.
I can't seem to ship with the ebay standard envelope now , it is saying it is not eligible in the new category
Well that would suck... I haven't sold anything yet today but I have a couple dozen ending tonight. I do have "Sports Trading Card" in my Item Specifics, but if they're blowing that away then how would they know? Ugh...
Well the sales that I've tried to ship this evening have worked fine for the most part, but I do have one that meets every parameter for the Ebay Standard Envelope program, and I had the auction set up that way, but it's not letting me select that option to ship it. Now I have to buy a First Class label when I only charged for an ESE label. This is going to get very expensive if it keeps happening.
Apparently eBay is aware of the issue with their standard envelope shipping option and have said they will have it fixed within 24-48hours. They did say they will reimburse sellers who use other shipping methods that are supposed to be shipping via ESE. They also said it won't negatively impact Top Rated Seller status during the time it's being fixed. So I am holding off on shipping because I don't want to have to fight for a refund from eBay, contacted my buyers to fill them in on the issue and all were fine with waiting until ebay figures their stuff out. Quite frustrating in itself, and the new categories issue and blank listings is a whole other headache!
It's almost comical that every friggin change eBay has made over the years is for the worse.
Talk about Orwellian. eBay is actually claiming that forcing a prospective buyer to search for all 1972 sports cards instead of the specific sport he wants makes it easier to find what he wants?
What am I missing? The seller is forced to enter item specifics, but there isn’t anyway to search based on them?
hahaha I know right! This is so dumb
for sellers, causes more work. for buyers, it messes up their saved searches. brilliant, right?
not only that, they are retiring the power seller program and the discounts and perks that went with it. good news is, i can generate my own certificate for memories. what a joke.
typical. searching for a solution for a problem that doesn't exist.
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
I was reading the link they provided. This might have already existed before the change, but I was not aware of being able to create a Coupon Code for buyers to use. I like this idea so when people make a best offer, or send me a message, I can send them a coupon code to use during checkout (instead of actually sending them an offer).
It's better than making them an offer where they can accept, but do not have to pay immediately (and sometimes they don't pay at all). All of my listings have PAY IMMEDIATELY, but the buyer doesn't have to pay if it's a "counter offer" type of thing and they accept your counter offer.
What's crazy is that I had all this info entered before like the grader, grade, and cert number in my listings, and it is all wiped out now. First the managed payments excluding coins and now this. Whoever is making decisions over these areas really has no clue.
if they submit a best offer price you are happy with, just go back in and change the BIN price to that figure. that'll still make them have to pay instantly. trust me, i felt your pain for a long time on accepting best offers then people ghosting. the 72 erving 9 will forever give me nightmares.
not only was it irritating, but it looks bad and your account can get flagged for canceling the item after they dont pay.
I think the only way is to search from the top , not by categories. I have some set up like that when I want specific cards. is limiting f you want something like "1967 topps baseball" as a lot of sellers don't list the sport.
I haven't figured out how to search by the new filters or even how to find the filters in chrome.
as for the power seller retirement, is that taking away the discount? I thought the discount was for top rated sellers. I am sure it is coming regardless
I always hated the item specific fields and left most of them blank in my listings. It doubles or triples my listing time to go through and update every field for player, condition, grading company, team, shoe size, favorite color, political affiliation, favorite food, etc, etc. I would only ever fill in the grade and year fields except for high dollar hall of famers. People never seemed to have problems finding my items.
With the current changes, I'm fortunate that I didn't run any listings this week. I don't know if it would have screwed up my listings since I don't typically fill out most of those fields, hopefully I won't have to find out when I list some auctions later this week.
Where are you seeing all of this info? I'm still having shipping problems, where certain cards (not all of them) are not letting me use the Ebay Standard Envelope program even though it qualifies and was set up that way to begin with. I'd rather spend the extra $2.50 than be late for who knows how long until they can fix it.
Don’t know if this is just a glitch or related to the recent changes, but I just received an offer notification for $70 when my item is set to auto-reject offers under $135. I hate to pile on eBay, but I’m beginning to agree with everyone - change for the sake of change, for no apparent good or valid reason.
Got my second offer that’s less than auto-decline. Even more infuriating... I countered with a number that was also under my auto-decline and eBay threw an error because MY OFFER was less than my auto-decline. Nice of it to police my counters... if only it would block the original lowball offers from coming in
"Optimizing"? The search feature so far has been a big mess! I can no longer look in seperate baseball/football/basketball card sections. As if the cheapskates taking away the Ebay Bucks wasn't bad enough, now this. Can't Feebay make any changes for the better for once?
D's: 54S,53P,50P,49S,45D+S,44S,43D,41S,40D+S,39D+S,38D+S,37D+S,36S,35D+S,all 16-34's
Q's: 52S,47S,46S,40S,39S,38S,37D+S,36D+S,35D,34D,32D+S
74T: 37,38,47,151,193,241,435,570,610,654,655 97 Finest silver: 115,135,139,145,310
95 Ultra GM Sets: Golden Prospects,HR Kings,On-Base Leaders,Power Plus,RBI Kings,Rising Stars
Is there a legal or right way to stand outside the eBay building and protest these “item specifics or these category changes”?
it's no wonder sales dropped like a rock the last few days.
I just tried my first search and not only do the old searches not work , I had categories set up to monitor baseball, football, basketball categories etc. , I can not find anyway to get to the new category of "trading card singles". painful
Well what are supposed to do? Threaten to take our business elsewhere? :P
D's: 54S,53P,50P,49S,45D+S,44S,43D,41S,40D+S,39D+S,38D+S,37D+S,36S,35D+S,all 16-34's
Q's: 52S,47S,46S,40S,39S,38S,37D+S,36D+S,35D,34D,32D+S
74T: 37,38,47,151,193,241,435,570,610,654,655 97 Finest silver: 115,135,139,145,310
95 Ultra GM Sets: Golden Prospects,HR Kings,On-Base Leaders,Power Plus,RBI Kings,Rising Stars
executive team/middle management 'initiatives' to justify their salaries.
It is like a Dilbert cartoon.
Seriously.......it is as though there was no beta testing and feedback from buyers or sellers. The changes seem to have been made in a vacuum. It is shocking to say the least.
Looks like they "sort of" fixed it as they now have sports filters on the Trading Card Singles page. So run your bookmark (you get the borked results), then check the box for the sport your search is for. Now copy the URL and update your bookmark with it. Of course this only works for listings that now have the sport selected when listed, but in time I think all listings will if people pay attention.
Yeah, at the moment, there are over 1000 PSA 9,10 1972 cards that don’t have a sport specified. If I include unspecified sport in my search to capture the baseball, I’m picking up all the football, basketball, etc. that were not specified. So at the moment it doesn’t work too well.
Yeah, you pretty much have to say adios to anything that was listed before the change.
Last night I listed some PSA material and had somewhat decent success, well as best that I can do; my question is, “what do I put in the fields: Certification Number, Grade, and Professional Grader when I list raw material”?
Any thoughts and or ideas?
I would hope you leave them blank since they are raw.....
On public property, yes, you're free to picket or protest.
Yes, those are my intensions to leave those fields blank; in my “Manage active listings; under item specifics, it still shows add 3 recommended; meaning to fill in those fields: with Certification Number, Grade, and Professional Grader.
I know that I’m OK doing this, but in the near future I could see the eBay web page developers not knowing the difference between a raw grade or even a raw grade with a color variation, or numbered raw; you know what I’m saying on this part.
Thank you for your input & help.
Well, next to "Graded yes/no" box it says 'required soon'. I imagine when that becomes required that it will simply disable those grade-specific boxes if you selected "no". Seems like this is just a transition period where not everything is how it will be and maybe doesn't even work ideally at the moment.
It is absolutely absurd. Almost impossible. Fools are running that business.
It would be nice if someone created a site specifically for sports cards, collectibles, memorabilia, etc. to compete directly with Ebay (one may exist, I’m probably just getting old and didn’t realize it?). Minus the outrageous fees for selling too 😂
"I'd walk through Hell in a gasoline suit to play baseball"
Charlie Hustle
Just plain stupid!
Can you bulk edit anything? I realize all the graded you have to put in serial numbers; but can I bulk click RAW for ungraded stuff? It looks like everything has to be edited one by one?? How is this possible?? Plus much of the other info has been basically deleted which seems also ridiculous. Putting in the year 4-5 times is ridiculous. What is going on with this? Anybody know. If you have 900 items what can you do??
dear john,
writing was on the wall months ago. i know because i was writing it.
all fun and games until it happens to you.
I've been able to in chrome on my pc. I do get an error message at the start but I just ignore it.
Graded yes/no is all that's required. You don't have to enter certification numbers or even the grade.
Are you bulk editing currently LIVE listings or ones you are relisting? I tried both and it will not let me select a 200 group of raw cards and say NO across the board with 1 click.
Live listings. When they first came up, they were in individual edits mode but there was a drop down box to switch to bulk edits.