Heritage auctions selling won coins

Just won coin on Heritage auctions placed an offer to buy from seller. Seller came back with higher price. Rejected that price. Am I obligated to purchase coin at my original price?
Just won coin on Heritage auctions placed an offer to buy from seller. Seller came back with higher price. Rejected that price. Am I obligated to purchase coin at my original price?
Hi and welcome to the forum. This question would get more attention if you posted it in the US Coin Forum.
If I understand your message correctly, the following happened.
HA sold a coin recently at auction to some party. You then placed an offer for the coin to that party using the HA "make offer" or "buy from seller" program. The party that now owns the coin countered your original offer with a higher offer of their own.
If the above is accurate, then I would not expect you would be obligated at all to purchase at the first price you offered.
In honor of the memory of Cpl. Michael E. Thompson
Thx I rejected his higher price