How get insurance money from item lost in mail

I think PSA, have to create a special link for items lost in mail . and not the regular email multi-purposes contacts, most of the time answered by a computer email.
If I am am the sender , I am who claim the insurance, but when the item is PSA sent, customer does not have rights to claim USPS insurance, only PSA own that rights, so how this works, when I get the money for the insured value when I ship the sub? any experiences in cases like this?
I know that when you use eBay, it is the sellers responsibility to ensure products arrive safely to the seller. not sure if it works the same with PSA.
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
if shipped from psa to you and you paid shipping charges to them, then they should be taking care of everything based on your declared values.
if this is something that they shipped back on your shipping account, then you most likely won't get a thing other than the run around for 3 months and 10% of the cards true value.
sorry this happened and to be the bearer of bad news, but unfortunately, this is how it is.
hopefully the declared value is close and you paid for shipping to psa.