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Gone: Unc Details coins 2X 1921 Peace $1, 1x 1943 WLH

ChrisH821ChrisH821 Posts: 6,577 ✭✭✭✭✭

All prices are PP G&S

First up is a raw Unc details 1921 Peace $1.
This has a very nice strike but the surfaces are cleaned and the color is questionable. I bought this coin a few years ago on ebay as an obviously AT piece, I dipped it and it has retoned a bit more mellow since then. Would look at home in an album of toners.
Asking $200 shipped Sold

Next is a PCGS Unc Details cleaned 1921 Peace $1.
This coin is attractive. It has light hairlines which can be seen twirling it under a light. Unfortunate because otherwise the coin would probably grade 63 IMO. This would not look out of place in an album of Uncs.
Asking $300 shipped Sold

Lastly is a 1943 WLH PCGS Unc Details cleaned
This coin is super gemmy. Unfortunately it is also a textbook case of "look at your coins closely before submitting for grading".
When this came back Unc details I was confused, that is until I found that in just the right light at just the right angle there is an apparent wipe across the flag and Miss Liberty's outstretched arm.
I'm not sure what to ask here so I'll just say $35 shipped

Collector, occasional seller

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