I bought this because it was cool...

and fit perfectly into my research. Heaton sales token in copper-nickel.
Numismatic author & owner of the Uncommon Cents collections. 2011 Fred Bowman award winner, 2020 J. Douglas Ferguson award winner, & 2022 Paul Fiocca award winner.
Very cool.
'Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery'
CU #3245 B.N.A. #428
Terrific item... I would have anticipated bronze which may possibly suggest it is a little later than what I initially suspected. Congrats... it really is off the coolness charts.
Any idea when it is from? Initially I was thinking 1890s but it might be later... as in maybe 30-40 years later... possibly the 1930s. I really don't know but I more inclined to think it is later
Experience the World through Numismatics...it's more than you can imagine.
Sweeny's book on Heaton & Sons dates it as circa 1889. I actually bought four different ones. The others are bronze, copper, and brass.
One more, circa 1890. Larger, English penny size in bronze. My other three are halfpenny size.
I've got one of these as well, but with the added twist that the edge is lettered INDEPENDENCIA Y LIBERTAD. This probably means they were working on a project for Mexico.
Check out my coins for sale at the link below mid-priced (read carefully)
** https://photos.app.goo.gl/VLi1NBeJuE7UTkCE7**