How the reverse of a coin figures into current grading standards.
in Q & A Forum
If a coins obverse grades 65 but the reverse grades 67 will that pull up the grade over 65? And conversely if the coins obverse is 65 but the reverse is 63 what will the coin grade be. Just wondering how the third party grading services handle these various scenarios. Long time collector that got back into coins a year ago
Best Answer
Kliao Posts: 5,608 ✭✭✭✭✭
A LCS owner once told me that the reverse of a coin only hurts the coin, never helps it as reverses do seem to look better.
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Would like to understand the general thinking
Would like to understand the general thinking of the modern grader
take the lower of the 2
Either side lower of 2 or obverse lower of the 2?
Seems like the coin reverse can only drag down the overall grade never improves it?