Black bear chases mountain biker

This footage was just released by the Montana Knife Company of an incident that occured one year ago. The footage shows a black bear chasing a mountain biker down a hillside on a mountain in Whitefish Montana. The biker did escape, but this shows you how fast bears really are and how dangerous it can be when you venture into their territory.
I've seen black bears on my uncles mountain in Colorado, never up close, but from a distance. Even from far away, they are very intimidating and they are capable of running fast at full speed, so you never want to get anywhere near one. The terrain on my uncles mountain is very tricky, and bears can come out of nowhere. This is a shot of the mountain my uncle lives on.
An aerial view of the mountain my uncle lives on.
Black bears have sharp claws, and they're capable of using them in very bad ways.
Cute isn't he? You want to pet him don't you? Try and you'll become a TV dinner!
Black bears are great, but not as great as Sandy Koufax.
Grizzly bears are even worse monsters than black bears, and their claws are razor sharp.
The mighty grizzly.
Here's a comparison of grizzlies to black bears.
There is a Video of a Bear chasing a skier in Romania
Yes, that was a young grizzly bear. They got a bit lucky that it wasn't a grown adult on that one. It's still very dangerous, because if that bear wanted to, it could hurt them. I don't know what the bear's intentions were when it started chasing him, but it could have turned ugly.
If you want to see what a full grown bear can do, I think the movie "The Revenant" starring Leonardo DiCaprio captured it pretty well, in the scene when the bear comes from nowhere and attacks him.
Bears can also wonder into your home if they smell food. In Colorado, a bear got into a man's home and spent five hours inside his home and even went through his refrigerator. Undoubtedly, the bear smelled the food inside the refrigerator.
Bears are not territorial. They've seen humans on this continent for many thousands of years. We are not a prey animal to them. So generally you leave them alone, and they'll leave you alone.
Likely if a bear is following you, other humans have previously fed it, some fish or whatever, and they're hopeful that you'll do the same.
That being said, if you run into a female bear with cubs, well then it's just not your lucky day.
Saw it, great movie
if you haven't seen this documentary, it's well worth it. this guy was out of his mind. went to alaska every summer for 13 years to live with browns and grizzlies. then, the inevitable finally happened.
you'll never be able to outrun a bad diet
I have always loved watching documentaries about the Lions in Africa. They are a huge tourist attraction, and tour guides will drive you in a jeep out to their habitat to view them. They are very fascinating to observe, and they are much like us as far as family is concerned.
Lions are also extremely protective of their family, much like us. You don't want to get anywhere near a lion family, or the male will let you know right quick to stay away.
The male Lion is a beautiful but ferocious beast, and they don't call him the king of the jungle for nothing.
Check out Lions vs Hyenas, they are eternal enemies
Yes, Lions prey on hyenas as a food source. I watched this video not too long ago, a lion goes into hyena territory to find a meal, but he gets surrounded by a clan of hyenas. The lion would have probably been toast, but his buddy comes to his rescue. These types of violent confrontations happen all the time.