So much for the European Super League.

in Sports Talk
How do 12 Teams sign a 23 year agreement to form a new, rival League to organized soccer, then leave the project less than 48 hours later??
I guess the moral of the story is clear: Don't piss off a soccer fan!!
Al H.
Fifa said players would be banned from world cup play and teams would lose the right to play in the traditional tournaments - Champions League, all the cups, etc. Got shut down right quick for sure.
I wonder why they would do that??
Outside of Fifa...they don't get their hands on the dirty money. Fifa is corrupt 14 ways to Saturday. Totally all about the monies.
John Henry from the Red Sox who also owns Liverpool got his hedge fund buddies to cast the greedy line to the Super Clubs. Once Bayern Munich said no it was all over.
Thank Goodness
Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......