How good is Zion Williamson?

in Sports Talk
Since I've got nothing else to do, I might as well start a basketball thread. How good is Zion Williamson? Is he becoming one of the best players on the planet?
Living in North Carolina, I watched him play at Duke, and he was phenomenal. He overpowered his opponents, and imposed his will on them.
The general consensus seems to be that his weight and conditioning, if not addressed, will hurt him. And that he will have to really put in the work to still be a dominant player past age thirty or so when the athleticism starts to go. These are just common concerns I hear a lot. But of course, for now, he is really great and a real treat to watch. Defenders have to choose whether to play him close or give him space. He is physically superior. But also an odd size, in height and weight. Which goes back to those points about conditioning and his commitment to further developing.
I remember when he was at Duke, he actually injured himself when he blew out his Nike shoes. I hope something like this doesn't happen again he is a pretty big guy.
Very reminiscent of young Chuck Barkley. Zion's a better shooter too
this is it exactly. at current weight, he will not be a dominant player into his 30's. too much wear and tear on his knees and ankles. he will overpower opponents in his 20's, but he needs to slim down. I heard they are trying to make him a point guard as well.
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
dudes balling now. when it comes to serial numbered, low pop cards pulled of him, ive changed my strategy “from sell quickly and get out” to a “strong holding pattern”.