Aaron Donald being brought up on assault charges

in Sports Talk
A man is pressing charges against Aaron Donald for an assault that allegedly occured in Pittsburgh over the weekend.
Holy Cow!!! if that is true, that sure would shake up the Rams season.
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
Like my Grandma always used to say, "nothing good ever happens after midnight."
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
Yes, these after hours clubs always seem to stir up trouble for athletes. The victim is claiming the attack was unprevoked, so we'll see how this plays out.
I'll tell you what, Donald is going to regret having to go through the headaches of the legal system. I've heard the legal system can be quite a difficult experience, unless of course you're a pigeon, they get away with everything from pooping on cars, to carjacking.
I think he should have been brought up on assault, battery, and intentional mayhem charges in connection to his second half performance during the Rams vs. Bills game last season. I've never seen anything like it. The Rams got robbed. The fix was in.
Need way more details.
Maybe Aaron didn't know where he was. Like Tiger Woods thought he was in Florida after his car crash but he was really in California. Aaron might have thought he was in a pro boxing match with lots of adoring fans looking on but instead he wasn't. That could explain it.
Or maybe the guy that got punched hit Donald first? Grabbed his Woman in a sexual way? Like I said I need way more details
That doesn't look like an unprovoked injury
Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
Charles Barkley when he was playing for the Sixers, used to get in altercations such as this it seemed on a regular basis.
Charles had his "defense" system down pat. If someone approached him in a threatening manner, Charles wouldn't wait to get hit first, he would punch the guy right in the nose, and that would end it.
As much as i can recollect, because i didn't pay much attention to it back then, i don't recall Charles ever getting in any serious legal trouble for doing it.
Paul is right, more details need to be made. But in my opinion if the recipient of the blow said something like "I'm gonna drop you", and approached Aaron Donald, then Donald has every right to throw the first punch and stop him from doing it.
There's a difference?
A yes, the old "I thought he was going to hit me, so I hit him back first" defense.
The Los Angeles Rams announced that they are "gathering more information" about the case before making any announcement, which is what they need to do because there are two sides to every story. I find it a little hard to believe that the assault was totally unprovoked, the guy probably did something to provoke Donald.
Well, that where the judge comes in to rule on who's telling the truth.
It would be shocking to me if none of this is on camera, the fact this isn’t being posted on video all over social media tells me that the guy probably started the fight with Mr.Donald.
I think the guy with the swollen eye and his scumbag lawyer wind up with nothing.
I will be the party pooper and say that had Aaron Donald been sleeping at 3 AM, none of this would have happened.
I just don't understand why high-profile people put themselves in situations like this.
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
Because they're stupid, arrogant or both?
I would like to think that if I was in prime earning years where I was making upwards of 20 MM per and I knew my prime earning years were as short as a professional athlete, I would keep myself out of as many questionable situations as possible. I have to think that if you are out at 3-4AM, it could turn into a questionable situation.
It is possible that if I was in my 20's with 100 MM in the bank I would have done the same thing, but I have never been one to party much.
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
Yes, but the BIG question is would you have $250,000 (or more) worth of jewelry?
Admit it, you love the BLING BABY!
Oh yeah, if I had 100MM in the bank I would look like Mr. T
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
Maybe Aaron got mixed up and hit that guy when really what he meant to do was to hit a picture of Tom Brady that was hanging on the wall next to the victim. Like when Tiger Woods hit the gas instead of the brakes. Mixed up.
Neither Mr. Spriggs nor Mr. Donald are named in the statement, and Pittsburgh police do not name alleged victims or people who are accused unless charges are filed.
“The male told police it happened in a bar somewhere on the South Side,” police spokeswoman Cara Cruz wrote in the statement. “He did not know the exact location or time of day it occurred. He told police he accidentally bumped into another male at the bar who confronted him verbally.
“He says that male and another ended up punching and kicking him ._ The complainant admits to throwing a bottle of alcohol_ , but didn’t know if he had hit anyone.
If you throw a beer bottle in a bar you deserve to get the crap kicked out of you. Period end of discussion.
If I have told The Lovely Mrs Hydrant that same thing once I have told her a thousand times. Problem is she doesn't listen. Why should she? She skates while her target comes after ME! She does have a good arm though. And her accuracy is pretty good too.
Another tale to intrigue @galaxy27
we've blown past intrigue. now i'm just downright jelly of Mr. Hydrant.
you'll never be able to outrun a bad diet
Don't ask me why I really thought Hydrant was a Mormon.
Now the only thing I know for sure is that he's a Rams fan.
We just get bits and pieces of each other's puzzles along the way.....😂😂 🤔
True. However it also has to be considered who suffered damages and it's pretty obvious here this guy got whacked!
Did he deserve it? That is yet to be determined, but in this day and age athletes often lose just by being accused.
Correct on both counts for me. Her.......not so much. Her daddy was Jack Mormon. He was hard to get along with. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. But.......she does love those Rams! And Corona Island! 💃 🏖 💃 🍻 💃 🏟 💃 🏈💃........What a life!
Hydrant is a riddle wrapped up in an enigma. I like it
Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
This is breaking news, and you heard it here first folks. The second side of the story has come out and there is now surveillance video of Aaron Donald breaking up the fight he was accused of. Apparently, the victim attacked Donald with a bottle outside of the nightclub and a group of people came to Donald's defense and began beating the victim. Aaron Donald actually tried to break up the beating of the victim and there's surveillance video to prove it. Here's the story and the video.
Shows Nfl Star Pulling Mob Off Alleged Attacker
4/16/2021 10:10 AM PT
8:52 AM PT -- TMZ Sports has obtained footage from the surveillance video which appears to show Donald pulling people off of Spriggs after the alleged bottle attack.
Aaron Donald's lawyer claims the NFL superstar was the target of a bottle attack outside of a nightclub ... and he's got video to prove it.
Donald's attorney, Casey White, claims the assault allegations levied against the L.A. Rams superstar are provably false based on surveillance video they've obtained along with multiple witnesses.
As we previously reported, DeVincent Spriggs filed a police report against Donald -- claiming Aaron beat the daylights out of him outside the Boom Boom Room nightclub in the early hours of April 11.
But, Casey White appeared on 93.7 The Fan in Pittsburgh on Friday morning and says the surveillance video proves Spriggs is 100% full of crap.
The Fan Morning Show, 93.7
White says the two were at a party together at a residence above the nightclub when Spriggs bumped into Donald -- elbowing him in the back.
White says there was a minor conflict which resulted in Spriggs being kicked out of the party.
But, Spriggs allegedly waited for Donald in an alley outside -- that's when he tried to attack with a bottle.
"Mr. Spriggs starts walking toward Aaron and he's yelling and he's drunk and he's aggressive," White says.
"And, Aaron sees something in his right hand and first he thinks it's a gun."
"But, it's actually a bottle, a long liquor bottle. In fact, [Spriggs] swings with his right hand, Aaron ducks. The bottle grazes the top of Aaron's head ... he has a lump on his head from the bottle."
At that point, White says people in the area -- including Aaron's brother -- raced in to help Aaron and some people began beating Spriggs savagely.
Aaron was restrained during the beating, White says -- but eventually freed himself and actually began ripping people off of Spriggs.
"He actually saved Mr. Spriggs from further injury,” White said ... "It’s fantastic, from a defense attorney’s perspective, to be honest with you."
White says Spriggs was badly injured -- but insists the guy only has himself to blame.
White also claims he received an email from police saying investigators do not have any video evidence showing Donald assaulted Spriggs -- the implication being Donald will NOT be charged with a crime.
White also suggested he would be releasing footage soon to show everyone Donald did nothing wrong.
Well then it's on to the next sports mystery that we can correctly solve.
I think law enforcement should compensate us accordingly for the outstanding job that all of us here do in helping to adjudicate the complex issues of the day.
I don't know Aaron Donald. But....aside from all my faults, I'm a very good judge of character. It's body language.....the face. I have up close and personal seats for the Rams games. I watch him. He is a good guy. He always expresses happiness at the proper time and determination when necessary. It's in his face. You can read him like a book. Just by looking at him. Guys like him hate bullies. But....I wasn't there.
Yes, we have wrapped this case up, and when we wrap a case up, we get to use our Columbo gif. Gentlemen, this case is closed.
I enjoy seeing the plaintiff's lawyer not get a red cent off these frivolous charges.
But of course the scumbag lawyer will soon be representing another client in a full body cast who was in their car and the bumper was lightly tapped by another car in a parking lot.
Nice work Double D! I knew you would get to the bottom of this!
Double D’s next avatar...
That's not a bad idea. Be on the lookout for a change in the future. 🤔
Glad to hear an innocent person is vindicated!