1822 1/8 RM JALAPA Token (Hacienda Money)

Any info about this coin?
This weekend, I saw this coin below, grab the images from the net:
For what I can tell, no expert et-al about these type of coins, but on a quick search, this coin was only made in copper, no?
The one, I saw was in silver, is this possible? if it is, do this coin worth something?
I did not buy it.
I am not aware of hacienda tokens in silver, but I am ignorant on the subject.
After a quick look at the Grove and Rulau catalogs, I found a Jalapa token but not the one pictured above. As there are many different modern(ish) fantasy tokens out there presumably from this era which were produced for the tourist trade, I would be cautious about spending more than a trivial amount of money for anything not currently catalogued.
I did not had a chance to take any pictures, the info I found it here:
This coin or token have been posted on the Mexico MercadoLibre . com in the past, found that on the cache info.
... And one from 1822 that says: “1/8 RM Jalapa,” and a fancy artistic logo that must have been the insignia of the proud Jalapa family. I presume 1/8 refers to the value, or 1/8 of a silver eight reales piece. In 1822 that would have bought food for a couple days.
But that's all, one can find in the net.
The coin looks similar to the Hidalgo del Parral Peso Silver Coin.
The one you pictured looks like it might have had a silver wash at one point which has mostly worn off.
Thank you, I will comment this to the guy, that was selling this coin.
I did a search of some Duane Douglas catalogs and this particular piece (shown below) keeps coming up. So it's obviously not selling. And the estimate seems to be all over the place (up to 8000 one time).
The pictured token in the OP never seemed (in my search) to appear, so it's probably rare (or fake).
That said, if you would be purchasing it for resale, beware that the one Douglas had was tough to sell, if it ever sold at all. My research was only cursory.
This one is listed in Grove and Rulau. Rulau shows a value of $20 in VG, $50 in VF.
Thanks again guys for all the information.
Here are some images I found on the net cache:

I think, with all these, it can help others too.
I definetly not was or going to buy it.