Do you still read Sports Illustrated magazine?

When is the last time you read Sports Illustrated magazine? Here is the latest copy, I actually received a free copy of this the other day in the mail and trashed it. It just doesn't interest me anymore.
If I google something and an SI article pops up I will read it but SI is like ESPN, I just don’t bother with it anymore
No. Never did read it much. I liked "Sport" magazine. Much better than SI.
The only time I read a magazine is in the dr/dentist office. Usually People magazine.
I have no use for it anymore, I'm surprised they're still in business considering you can get your sports news online so easily. Haven't a lot of newspapers gone out of business because of the internet? Isn't that true, can anyone confirm this?
I used to buy these Weekly World News magazines in the grocery store all the time back in the day.
Fascinating stuff.
I used to read tons of magazines. had subscriptions for 8 or 10 at one time. i never read a magazine anymore. just use the internet
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
I had a subscription to SI for several years. I saved every issue. When they went off the deep end I quit. That was about 1962.
Magazines, like newspapers, were once something very different than they are now, and played a role in life and society that those born more recently could never understand.
I bet you wouldn't throw out the swimsuit issue !!!!
i only read magazines relevant to my work to stay up on things.
1948-76 Topps FB Sets
FB & BB HOF Player sets
1948-1993 NY Yankee Team Sets
Never even read it back in the day unless it was on the desk in doctors office or something. Sporting News was better.
SI had some nice did Sporting News, but SI was made of better paper, so it was prettier...but Sporting News sports coverage was better.
I actually have a sub to one magazine anymore...cigar afficianado.
I never read S I as a kid in the 70”s I just looked at the pictures kinda like playboy !
I was ten years old and in my youth sports heyday when they came out with the football phone. Yes, I had one. Here's an article discussing the origin off the football phone.
Of course there were magazines that I enjoyed looking at in my teen years, but I won't be able to get into that. This is a G rated forum, and I can't discuss this matter any further!
I quit reading Sports Illustrated over 20 years ago. It kept getting thinner and thinner and the quality of the articles kept getting worse. The thing that killed it was this: I forget which big sporting event it was, maybe the Super Bowl, but their wrap-up article on it had basically no coverage of the game itself. The score was an afterthought. I get that the internet renders them obsolete for game-recap coverage but still. Not good.
But I kept my subscription up for awhile after that for no apparent reason...
Then one day an issue arrived and I thumbed through it for no reason at all. As I did, a single word in an article caught my eye - the name of a town I used to live near in Colorado. A very small town. I stopped and started reading. It was a story about a drunk driving accident involving the University of Wyoming men's cross country team - the worst accident in the history of the state of Wyoming. As I read further, I saw the name of the drunk driver who had hit the cross country team. The driver was a young man I had coached in high school football just a couple years earlier. I knew nothing about the story before that.
And that was also pretty much the last time I read Sports Illustrated. What are the odds? The one time I decide to read it after a good year of not reading it, I flip the magazine open to an article about someone I knew?
Even the "special" once a year issue got boring.
I haven't read Sports Illustrated in perhaps over twenty years. Plenty of other much better sports websites on the internet to enjoy.
"Special" issue.
Of course, being a married man I can't look at the "special" issues of Sports Illustrated anymore, or there could be trouble from my wife!