Sports Pet Peeves

in Sports Talk
Baseball umps having a different strike zone favoring one team.
That one gets me, because there are so many close pitches in a game.
It seems it's always the fat umps that screw my team.
1 is pitch counts in baseball, I'm all for the use of stats/analytics but something has to be said for the manager who has his mind deep into the pulse of a game and bases decisions on what is actually happening real time and not via a stat spit out by a computer generated algorithm.
not sure why this came out in all caps?? sorry
It's because you put a number sign before the 1
Edit to add...
If you put a backslash before the number sign, the number sign will appear instead of doing that. To carry that out further , if you want someone to see your backslash, you have to put two backslashes.
Google "markdown"
The constant interviewing of head coaches during games. They interview them before the game, at halftime, and after the game. I know Nick Saban better than I know my wife!
Thank you
All of the little things that slow down at-bats in baseball:
Fights in baseball:
Pitching changes in baseball taking way too long:
Other randoms:
That's a good list for now
I absolutely cannot stand it when after every missed free throw the shooter has to get a high 5 from every teammate on the floor. good grief, you missed a free throw, you don't deserve a high 5
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
I also think that when a pitching change is made, the reliever should be all warmed up and ready to pitch. he doesn't need 7 warm up pitches to get used to the mound. if he needs to get used to a visiting stadiums mound, do that before the game.
if you get called in to relieve, you better be warmed because that first pitch should be a live one.
i mean, a pinch hitter doesn't get to have 7 batting practice pitches thrown to him before he takes an official at bat.
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
I could live with that. But that's why I like my idea of a clock - if you run into the game, you get more time to warm up. If you stroll, maybe you don't get any pitches at all.
I do not like basketball players who drive to the basket, take 3-4 steps in doing so without dribbling the ball and are not called for travelling.
I also do not like basketball players who "flop" (without significant, or any contact on their bodies from opposing players) in an attempt to get a referee to call a charging call (Google Flopping in basketball to see video of some extreme examples of this).
Always have noticed at the start of some baseball games. After the very first out of the game the defense, usually the 3rd baseman, will hold up a finger signifying the very first out to all. The game just started, the players must be reminded of a first out of the game?
Not exactly a pet peeve, but I do get a kick out of and think that those people who run out on the field to squirt liquid into the football players mouths are beyond ridiculous.