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Pretty Little Horses

Bid successfully on a three medal lot. Surprisingly won. The dark medal is copper, 76 mm, and wonderfully ornate. Both that and the silver one are from Scotland.

Honors flysis Income beezis Onches nobis Inob keesis



  • StorkStork Posts: 5,206 ✭✭✭✭✭

    I love your medals. How do you store/display them? Mine have overrun my capacity. And I haven't been buying lately.

  • harashaharasha Posts: 3,098 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Storage/Display has become a big problem for me. I constantly am rearranging my drawers for display. Items from inactive collections are placed in envelopes and stored away. If I was a member of a coin club, I would consider donation or sale at a club bourse, but the nearest club is quite inconvenient.

    Honors flysis Income beezis Onches nobis Inob keesis

  • StorkStork Posts: 5,206 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited April 5, 2021 7:34AM

    We resemble each other. My 'curio' cabinet (for lack of a better word) is full. My drawer cabinet is full (a neat cabinet left in the house my my MIL, I think it was for her button collection). And now I have most NEWPs sitting , not in envelopes so much as flips in airtight containers. I need to image many, but really not motivated as I hardly know where to put them. Sigh. First world problems to be sure.

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