Longshot...Chargers may be sold to Jeff Bezos???

"In an attempt to force the sale of the Chargers, a sister of controlling owner Dean Spanos filed a petition in Los Angeles County Superior Court on Thursday arguing that mounting debt has imperiled the family’s finances and the only solution is to put the NFL franchise on the market.
The petition noted reports that Amazon.com founder Jeff Bezos, worth an estimated $180 billion, is interested in becoming an NFL owner and said “the Chargers could be a perfect opportunity.” https://www.latimes.com/sports/chargers/story/2021-04-01/dean-spanos-sister-asks-la-court-force-chargers-sale
In case the LA Times link doesn't open: argers-salehttps://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2021/04/01/dean-spanos-sister-asks-court-to-force-sale-of-chargers/
Is there anything Jeff Bezos doesn't control? The man is evil!
Imagine being so rich that you can buy an NFL franchise and it costs less than 5% of your net worth.
What is truly hard to imagine is the following (which I have read before and have no idea of it is true, but would not be surprised if it is):
If all of the wealth of the top 1% of income earners in the USA (i.e. all of their assets) were liquidated to cash and given to the federal government, that transfer of wealth would provide the federal government with enough money to pay for the cost of operating the federal government.......................... FOR THREE WEEKS.
If the above is true, it is simply mind blowing.
This is an actual photo of him. Look at Bezos piloting this giant robot. He's hell bent on world domination, and must be stopped!
Stopped I say!
Yeah, there's no way that's accurate. Jeff Bezos alone is good for almost two weeks.
The headline is incorrect.
Bezos isn't buying the Los Angeles Chargers, he is buying Los Angeles.