Post some coins from " the free city Danzig "

I am not a huge world collector, but at time find a specimen that speakes to me.....I got to have it.
These two coins I bet I paid under $100 for both.
Lets see your specimens.
"That's why I wander and follow La Vie Dansante"
I was looking for exemplars for one year types. This example came to my attention. Not much of a looker, I'm afraid.
Nice example ..... molted toning is either hot or not....I have a few half dimes that toned that way .
But again Danzig coins are expensive,hard to find at times.
"That's why I wander and follow La Vie Dansante"
I have a 1932 5 Pfennig ... the one with the turbot. But, unfortunately, no suitable picture to post.
My World Coin Type Set
Thats a well sought after coin too...I have 1 also , but currently unable to post at this time due to having surgery and cant get around the house quite yet.....getting better but still a tad bit sore.
Thanks Paul for your reply.
"That's why I wander and follow La Vie Dansante"
from an exhibit I sold a few years ago.
Pacific Northwest Numismatic Association
This is my only coin from Danzig, bought in the 1960's from some coin dealer's foreign coin box.
Danzig 5 Pfennige 1923
Copper-nickel, 17 mm
The Mysterious Egyptian Magic Coin
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