Anyone here a betting man ?

in Sports Talk
If you aren't, then good for you, but if you are and you've bet the money line on Gonzaga all season long, then you are on some win streak.
I know there's no sure thing in gambling, but their next game against UCLA is pretty much as sure a thing there is on the money line.
I know I've been pounding this drum all year on this forum about Gonzaga, but this team is a once in a lifetime team.
Haven't seen a college team like this since 1976 Indiana.
Now excuse me as I have a bunch of $100 bills to go count.
The thing with the money line is sometimes you can wager a $100 to win $10 or even a $1. Not worth it really
$8 for a hundy bet? No point unless you got stupid big money to throw at it.
UCLA +14.5
That's roughly around the same odds as aces getting cracked by 2,7 off suit in poker. Ask any poker can and does happen.
And heavy favorites in sports can and do lose. In your case, hopefully not this time.
Agreed. For the record I did NOT place those bets, I was just displaying the odds.
I actually enjoy discussing odds, i just never partake in the betting. I'd rather see my money in my bank account, rather than a bookie's bank account.
I think we both know that making large bets on heavy favorites, sometimes known as bridge jumping, is one of the oldest betting systems in the graveyard of betting systems. 💸
I would rather place $100 on UCLA. Probably just throwing money away but who knows? Maybe Gonzaga comes up with Covid and has to forfeit. How much would I win? Probably just get my $100 back?
All's it takes is 1,000 grand to get an easy $80 in your pocket to take that beautiful young lady out for a nice dinner, and you know, a little spin the bottle afterwards.
I hate when the house has the best odds like the next guy, but the easiest money to make on Draftkings is betting the favorites in Russian table tennis. As funny and stupid as that sounds, it's a nice little cash register. The odds spread on the favorites isn't as exaggerated as Gonzaga, and the favorites usually win. Usually it's a -175 to +150 spread.
Here ya go Ralph...

If you do place a 100 wager on UCLA against Gonzaga, then please add "thick as a" to your username.
death and taxes, that's it. you'll eventually get caught. then it will require you to connect on 12.5 similar bets to get it all back. but if you try to recoup making homogeneous wagers you'll inevitably get caught again, then you'll be in a hole so deep you can't see the light.
you'll never be able to outrun a bad diet
True story. My dad asked me to put a $25 wager for him on Michigan to win the tournament just last week.
He's 83 and doesn't want to deal with a sportsbook app on his own phone.
I didn't tell him that I never placed the bet until Michigan lost last night.
Sometimes when you love someone, you have to protect them against their losses.
If Michigan pulled it out, I would have given him $250 out of my own pocket, but I knew that wasn't going to happen.
Yes, it would be a push. You'd get your money back in full.
Yea, but now he's thinking that he's got a forgetful son who can't remember to place a $25 for him. 😉
Actually the odds of winning are the same in the long run no matter which way ya bet. Your bankroll gets ground out in the exact same way whether ya bet favorites or dogs.
Of course there's always variance involved, hot steaks and cold streaks, etc, but sooner or later, and it is usually sooner, the bookie has your money, and ya sit there and wonder what the yell happened it was such bad luck?
Well i'll tell ya what happened, and bad luck had nothing to do with was cold hard mathematics that beat ya in the long run.
That's if you're in it to make money. If you're in it to just have fun betting the super bowl, ncaa tournaments, and other events now and then. But yes, the odds are against you because of the spreads and the way the odds are set up. In the end if you flip a coin 1000 times, you end up 500 to 500. And with the extra fees, the house gets your money in the end.
I don't disagree with that at all.
You hit it right on the head. The bookies look at it as 1,000 infinity. Whereby the typical addicted gambler looks at it game by game hoping for good luck.
But all the variances, good luck/ bad luck, etc, all of it evens out in the long run....but the bookies juice is the never ending killer.
just by some offhand knowledge, it was always funny how the winners were always there on collection day and losers couldn't be found when they had a bad weekend.
You're exactly right.
Funnier still are the bookies themselves. I knew enough of them in the Philly area, and every single one of them was always talking about how his customers were killing him, IE always winning money. Meanwhile he was happy to show you the brand new luxury car he just bought - LOL.
Not me. Never.
The word has something to do with milk, but i'm not sure what?
Well I just looked it up and I still don’t know what it means 🤷♂️
means similar or alike but I used similar in the previous sentence and didnt want to use it again
you'll never be able to outrun a bad diet
Thanks for explaining it so I can understand lol
I find the term very offensive. Like a Bill Walsh game plan.
You know what happens when you assume, but... I assumed that you meant to type humongous and it auto corrected. Because humongous would work , as in "large wagers".
Edit to add, in the future , you could use something like "same types of" so as to not cause such a schism again. 😂😂😂😂😂
Well, the bridge jumpers betting the money line on Gonzaga against UCLA won their bet.
But i have to imagine there were moments during that game, when they were writing their last will and testament. 😉
I took the points 👍👍
The money line on Gonzaga is real nice tonight. Best money line I've ever seen for them this year.

Not everyone is a dumb gambler. Not everyone is an alcoholic. There are casual drinkers and casual gamblers.
Then there are those who have bet on Gonzaga all season long and will continue to tonight !
Bookies would agree with you. They make their living off those who think they are smarter than them. 😉
That being said, hope you have a nice score on Gonzaga. If it's a big score, the best thing you could do is keep the money in the bank and never make another sports bet again.
Something tells me that if Secretariat rose from the dead you wouldn’t bet on him at the Belmont.
I'd bet on a horse only if they allow wagering after the race is official. 😉
Send me your mailing address. I have something I'd like to send you.
Absolutely none of which would help anyone make money sports betting against bookies.
But if you believe it can, hope it works out for ya.