1959 Canadian Half Dollar Reverse Design Change

I was examining some of my Canadian “junk” silver halves
I noticed the reverse of the Canadian Half Dollar dated 1958, was different from the reverse on the 1959 and later halves. The 1958 and earlier halves had a much bolder and impressive design.
Does anybody know if there was a reason for this reverse, slimmed down design change on the 1959 Canadian halves?
From Charlton:
Well that answers my question!
I would hit the answered button, if I only knew where it was
Thank you very much for the information!
No problem!
It had also been redesigned previously, though less drastically, to alleviate striking issues.
I love these halves, and am a bit of a “coinhoarder “ myself when it comes to them. Low mintages and the ability for them have toned spectacularly in albums is very appealing.
Interesting info! Thanks!
I had no idea they had changed. I only have one Elizabeth era half unfortunately.