Should Ryan Fitzpatrick shave his beard off?

in Sports Talk
Since we did an election on Trevor Lawrence cutting his hair, it's only fair we do an election on Ryan Fitzpatrick. Should Fitz shave his beard off?
Should Ryan Fitzpatrick shave his beard off?
This is a private poll: no-one will see what you voted for.
I vote no, the beard stays, the beard is a legend!
Yes he looks like an idiot 😂😂😂
I always thought that was just a large caterpillar.
Yes, he should shave it all off, and my viewpoint has nothing to do with me being heavily invested in Gillette stock.
I can't believe what I'm hearing here. The beard is a legendary icon in sports history. Over the years, it's gained our trust, and found it's way into our homes and our hearts. Oh the memories.
I ask you, what other beard has it's own merchandise? Just look at these awesome items available for sale at online retailers as we speak. Get yours today, but hurry while supplies last!
It's his call, DD. But the guy grows a great beard, and it's his thing, so I doubt he will. Plus, when he does really retire, he can shave then and go about his business incognito.
If he does where will the birds nest?
World War Hair. Stop.
absolutely not. everyone knows a man's power is directly related to the length and thickness of his beard.
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
When are we going to see a quarterback that's just nothing but hair?
Whatever Mrs. Fitzmagic wants.