WTB or Trade PCGS high grade MS 65 RD OR RB Wheat Cents
Looking for PCGS MS 65 RED OR RED BROWN Wheat Cents from 1909 - 1930. I have the 09 - S VDB, 31-S, 42 S/S/S, 42 D/D, and 55 DDO and all other dates from 1930 - 1958 in PCGS MS 65RD or better. (Except 1 coin, in MS 63) Need the common dates. but have some of them already.
PM with what you have and price. May take raw coins, or ANAC's or other encapsulated, but before buying any coins, even encapsulated, will want to see pictures of both sides up close. I've seen quite a few high grade downright ugly coins and I don't buy ugly coins!
OR if you have a few high grade, but don't want to quit collecting wheats, I have dups of most coins and grades in usually F or better to trade along with a few dollars. Tell me what you've got!
Pm sent on boxes
Edited out the PCGS boxes, No longer need them, got the order filled.
Still looking for Teens and 20's. Have some of them so tell me what you have and what you want for them. Rare ones were easy, common dates, not so easy in MS 65.
Do you have a 14d in 65 red?
Not any more, actually had a 65 Brn, but got rid of it and was trading up. What you got? PM me!
Burp....Excuse me!