Please help with grading '87 Tiffany cards set

Hi Newbie here..
Bought sealed '87 Tiffany set recently on eBay to open. Here's are some of photos..I am pretty happy with overall outcome esp. Barry it better than 9 though? Just a word of caution '87 Tiffany set is notorious for tampering & concealment despite seller claiming originally "sealed" even tho seal is intact. Your feedback is welcome..
Other than the bump on the back border of the bonds they look really nice. I would take that Larkin off your hands
The bonds looks very nice, but no one can say a 10 guaranteed. You have to send it expecting a 9 but hoping 10. What sucks is at only $300+ for a PSA 9, paying $100 vs $20 and waiting forever is a big decision.
A well centered Tiffany Bonds? Like a unicorn.
I purchased this beauty. Why is it a 9, look at the print dot on the nameplate. It doesn’t take much...
Guides Authored - Graded Card Scanning Guide PDF | History of the PSA Label PDF
lots of these unicorns out there.
Probably more the lipstick above the Reds logo!!
Tiffany liked her lipstick.
Guides Authored - Graded Card Scanning Guide PDF | History of the PSA Label PDF
Yeah, it’s just my frustration with the Tiffanys I’ve pulled from sets that are terribly off center for a premium card.
are you sure you didn't mean opc bonds? because that's a true unicorn. imo, there's a plethora of centered 87 tiffany bonds out there.
They seem to be avoiding me like the plague.
cardboard karma?
Assuming the Bonds' surface doesn't have the dreaded '87 Tiffany chip on it I think it's a 10 and would submit it at that pricing tier, same with McGwire and Clark. The others won't 10.
Thanks to everyones w/feedbacks. Decided today to Express it for grading on Bonds and McGwire. Hopefully I'll get it back in a month...?
Spending $150 to grade the McGwire is a reach if it doesn't 10... It's not even worth $150 if it gets a 9. Probably should cost average and send them both regular. Besides, regular is only a few weeks behind express right now.
I don’t think there’s ever a case where you should submit at a tier that needs a 10 to be worthwhile.
Looks like PSA made the decision for you
Well thinking was initially plan on Superexpressing Bonds and hope for a 10 but just couldnt pull the trigger on gambling $300 on a single card. So I figured I'll use the same $ for 2 cards- Bonds/McGwire and just wait little longer. If either gets a 10 or two 9s I am fine with that since I plan on holding it long term.
Well my cardma sense worked like charm yesterday and beat PSA to the punch...very same sense I am now going on to give 10's
Agree to disagree.
Just got Express return today, 48-49days...needless to say I am pissed.
That's a major crease along the on this date portion. On the back. Was it not there when you sent it?
Sorry, that really sucks. The cards look great, though.
What is up with the bonds 4?
I opened a set a few years ago - half the box was way O/C and half was 50/50. Bonds was an O/C casualty, but everyone else was really nice.
Kiss me twice.....let's party.
Its obvious now and you can see it in the Original scan but it shows up on the Cased one much better. This is just a Plain Ol "UH OH...Missed It!" This is a typical manufacturing wrinkle, not added post manufacturing.
Yeah, it's barely there in the OP scan but much easier to see in the case. Very, very easy to miss regardless. Definitely an ouch of a grade!
Oh crap! That crease! Didnt noticed/suspect when subbed since it came straight from sealed box...and now its making sense...holy moly. I guess better get one of those lumen equipment stuff and magnifer prior to subs. This was my second subs ever and first to return so gonna chalk it up being rookie mistake. Gonna hold on to Bond 4 as expensive lesson learned. Good eye Mcvillagehtx!