NHL Referee Tim Peel Fired

in Sports Talk
During last night's Detroit/Nashville game, referee Tim Peel was caught on a hot mic admitting he was looking for a penalty to call against Nashville to even things up penalty-wise. NHL refs do that all the time, and Kerry Fraser even admitted doing it, but they don't usually admit doing it. Reaction from the NHL was swift as Peel is now an ex-referee.
Tim Peel was too honest, not something condoned in today's sports climate
NHL refs have been doing that for at least the past 40 years.
Yeah, this is just butt-covering by the NHL. This has long been a practice, since at least the Broad Street Bully days. It's a major flaw in NHL officiating, which is already pretty awful. Peel just happened to get caught admitting it.
NHL can't be the only sport where officiating crews have their favorites and shall we say non-favorites. Small/large strike zones in baseball come to mind.
Officials have made obvious "make up" calls for years when they know they blew a call. Is this what happened here?
One time when I was keeping the electronic scoreboard at a High School basketball game, the area on the board that shows team fouls I kept adding to the amount for one team even though it put them in the bonus (I had 11 fouls on the team when the bonus started at 7). The other team had very few fouls called on them. During a timeout, the lead referee came over a told me to stop once the foul total reached bonus level.
I knew the lead referee as he was my superintendent during my high school days.
No. More of "gee, we've called a couple in a row on Detroit, need to make it LOOK fair..." deal.
The weird thing was Nashville only had two power plays and the Wings had three. The one they missed must have been a dousy
Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
When I was teaching high school in Colorado in the late 90s, I would help by doing the PA for basketball games. One night, we were getting hosed by the officials really, really bad. By the end of the game, it was something like 32-5 for free throws. In the second half, I started doing what you were doing ("12 team foul", "13th team foul", etc) - except the refs didn't say anything to me. I also pronounced "offensive" the "other" way when talking about a foul.
The Monday after the game, I got called into the AD's office at my school and told I wouldn't be doing the PA anymore
Can't blame him, I was totally unprofessional but I was young and dumb and those refs were absolutely biased.
I watched the game and don't remember anything particularly egregious.
Same without the sound while working
Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
No. Apparently it's more of "Nashville is so much better than Detroit that the NHL wants us to call (extra) penalties on Nashville to make the games more competitive."
I guess people can't get reprimanded or suspended for doing something all sports fans know goes on, the guy has to lose his job.
Peel was going to retire next month anyway. Regardless, Peel is/has been the worst ref in the NHL for awhile. He's the Angel Hernandez of hockey. Should have been demoted to the A or fired years ago.
A small aggregate of his act.
btw for this meeting with then a blogger, now a lead hockey writer on ESPN, Peel was suspended for a few games. So this isn't something new. He's been reprimanded various times.
Thanks for the info. I guess we won't miss him. ;-)