Japanese Gold Coins

Are there here in the USA, sites that one can buy these coins (no ebay), that you can recommend?
- Yens
- Koban - (found one on Apmex).
Maybe also in Silver. (also found these on the same place as above).
Are there here in the USA, sites that one can buy these coins (no ebay), that you can recommend?
Maybe also in Silver. (also found these on the same place as above).
Try Clark Smith. Very knowledgeable and personable.
If he doesn't have what you want, he can probably get it from a Japanese dealer for you.
Atlas has a sweet oban right now. Not ebay, but other auctions work well. Stacks, Heritage. And yes overseas. That said, I would also recommend Clark Smith. And now I am wildly curious why APMEX would have a koban.
Here is a link to Atlas. They often have more than this. Not cheap but they get pretty things. https://atlasnumismatics.com/search.php?search_query=japan&Search=§ion=product
Here’s a 1990 struck BU Japan Keicho Koban. This recently issued Japan Mint Keicho Koban commemorative is an impressive size of 75mm x 38mm and weighs 19.5 grams of pure (9999 fine) gold. They are made in the classic way, hand struck with a number of punches indicating the denomination, authority under which it was issued, the mint and the era during which it was produced.
This one is going on now. https://coins.ha.com/itm/japan/japan-tempo-gold-koban-ryo-nd-1837-1858-au55-pcgs-/a/61204-99204.s?ic2=mytracked-lotspage-lotlinks-12202013&tab=MyTrackedLots-101116
Thank so much for the info, I will be more into the Yens (1, 5, 10, 20), for the ones I found already (and per the help here), and hope to add something to my portfolio.
On auctions, I never have done that, it can increase the price, will check at what priced realized, again thanks!.