Finally something positive came out of the pandemic

The California DMV written test has always been hard for me. Even though I answer and pass 100's of practice questions online, and read the DMV handbook. I'm always surprised when I take the the actual test, and it seems like the questions are for Uganda DMV. I always pass, but the questions are nowhere the same as what I practice for.
Because of Covid they allowed online renewal, and I just got my D/L. Expiration: 2025.
Well that sounds pretty good for you! Be safe
Remind me to stay off the roads when you venture out of the OC
Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
hammertime parallel parking at the grocery store
you'll never be able to outrun a bad diet
I'm more afraid of this
Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
So in California you have to take a written test to renew?
Different circumstances have to occur, like not having taken a written test for 2 consecutive renewals, certain age, etc.
To get my CDL I had to parallel park a semi truck and grain trailer and stay inside the marked lines.
Somehow I managed to do it but it sure wasn't easy, Glad that was a one time only deal.
Do other states have this?
I'm not sure. Some state are easy to get a DL.
I was just wondering. I've lived in a few states but have never had to do a written exam to renew.
Friend took a driving course before the Calif driving exam. Passed on a good tip. When backing up in a straight line you can go as slooowww as you want, and no deduction in points, which makes it real easy to do.
Yes I had to back up in a straight line and going slow it was easy and especially now since I have a lot
of actual road experience.
But the parallel parking is a whole different story. Knowing when to turn the steering wheel and how much
to get the trailer turning just right is difficult. Going very slow and easy definitely helps but it is still difficult
especially back then when I had very little experience behind the wheel of a semi and trailer.
holy cow am i glad we dont have to take the written test to renew up here in Maine. just pay the fee and take an eye exam. there is no way I would pass a written test now. goog grief. i can barely pour cereal in a bowl and remember the milk for crying out loud
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
Damn and I thought I was something special driving a fork truck like a boss 😒
Congrats on the license renewal. My license has to be renewed soon, I haven't even looked into how their going to do it. I'm feeling very confident right now, and maybe even a little cocky. There's a card on ebay up for auction, I'll win it. My license needs to be renewed, they'll renew it. Why, because I'm Double freakin' D.
Had to do mine in person last year in April after lockdown started. Had to make an appt, stand in line outside, and they let like 5 people in the building at a time. Eye test, new pic, money, done. Can do renewal online again next time in another 10 years.
Texas renewals were just mail in. But it had been so long since my photo was updated this time I had to go in for a new picture. Next renewal 2026
"I spent 50% of my money on alcohol, women, and gambling. The other half I wasted.