What do you think Ca10 on the PCGS holder means??
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Well PCGS certainly missed this !!
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OMG! I thought you read and memorized Resplandores cover to cover and could recite it backwards in your sleep while chewing gum?
No only you can do that .
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Calico 10. It is a variety identifier. You will have to look it up in Calico's book on Mexican coins.
Thank you
According to D&P this coin is a rare variety missing the ‘s’ after 10 D ..... D&P says
“ exceeding rare “
If calico 10 reflects that then fine but I would rather it be clearly on the PCGS holder as I doubt others would see the variety as it reads now.
I give away money. I collect money.
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Cleared up below
8 Reales Madness Collection
When I bought this coin I missed it as well. Now you might say I am gleefully surprised that I caught this .
I have more than a handful of pcgs 8 reales coins that don't reflect the correct variety or missed overdates .
I am reviewing every coin in my collection ...closely.
I give away money. I collect money.
I don’t love money . I do love the Lord God.
I have seen that, on many of my searchs while trying to look for a 8R, also have noticed on the auction descriptions that nomenclature too, when I checked on PCGS, I see that the value seams to reflects a Prefix of the Mint and a Rank, I guess.

I haven't opened that reference in a while, but isn't that the Resplandores internal cataloging code?
8 Reales Madness Collection
Looks like what they refer on the auction descriptions:

This looks like PCGS code .
PCGS does not show any specimen with the “s”missing or other varieties.
NGC pops note these :
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That's what I thought. CA-10 seems to refer to DP-CA10, which is Dunigan & Parker (Resplandores) reference for probably the 10th coin in their Chihuahua Mint category. Actually glad PCGS uses that nomenclature. But now the trick is to get them to recognize and attribute the variety.
8 Reales Madness Collection
Calico (AKA Numismatica Espanola) only covers Mexican Colonial - NOT Independent Mexico. Happy Saturday, everyone!
Ca10 is indeed Dunigan's numbering code from "Resplandores". I don't have the book, but a quick search shows "Ca09" is 1838 and "Ca11" is 1840 - so clearly "Ca10" covers the entirety of 1839-RG emissions (the 10th distinct date/assayer combo for the Chihuahua series).
I'm guessing there is no separate subcode for the "no S" variety shown here - even though it apparently IS explicitly mentioned in Dunigan??
Regardless, bidask, if you show PCGS a pic of Dunigan's writeup in the book and also that NGC recognizes it, I'm sure "No S after 10D" could (and should) be noted on the holder. Specifically acknowledging this variety seems MUCH more important than including the relatively pointless Dunigan code.
Very nice accidental cherrypick!! And with perfect original skin...
I blame my original post on lack of sleep and general exhaustion associated with 2 kids under 3
8 Reales Madness Collection