Help identifying a Greek coin

This was in a small collection bequeathed to me...I've tried deciphering the Greek but I'm stuck on some of the characters and frankly, other than a college-level acquaintance with ancient history, no knowledge of such things. At least I know it's not a Greek city-state, from staring at auction sites trying to find a match!
Also one other Roman one with identifying info. Says it's Tiberius, but could be anything.
Top coin looks to be a Roman Denarius of Marcus Aurelius, while the bottom coin is a Roman Alexandrian Tetradrachm of Tiberius, in pretty good shape.
Thanks so much! What's odd is that the top one is in a plastic envelope marked Tiberius and Augustus! I concur from searching it's clearly an Aurelius.
The Tiberius is cool, guess it's not worth a lot from the one auction result I found but makes me want to get a few Athenas and start a collection. I love that owl.
Not sure what auction you looked at, the Marcus A. isn't worth much, too worn. Maybe $20.
The Tiberius is actually really nice, easily $150, the deep scratch by the nose on the reverse hurts it but still.
Ah I found one for 90 pounds on the Tiberius in similar shape. So yeah, close to your estimate. Nothing earth shattering, but fun to have!
Retail markups on ancients tend to be high compared to what you will find on US coins. Try and find some COMPLETED eBay sales of similar items for a realistic valuation.
The flip must have originally been for the Tiberius Tetradrachm, as it also depicts his step-father Divus Augustus on the reverse.