stamp divorce (funny)

I buy most of the stamp collections that are brought into a local coin shop.
Most if it is junk, if not useable for first-class postage (which I buy a fair amount of).
My wife gives me grief and rolls her eyes whenever I come home with another box of stamps.
But she is good about it, and likes saving money on postage. She does the shipping around here and there is always quantities of older postage (bought at a discount to face value) for her to use.
Anyway, I was looking through a recently-purchased small collection, and in one of the envelopes was this old newspaper clipping:
Women always want to be the center of attention. Smart men don't put them as #1 in their lives. And certainly not on a pedestal unless you want to get kicked in the face.
NFL: Buffalo Bills & Green Bay Packers
Would love to see an image of this women could explain a whole lot on why he preferred his stamps or even watching the grass grow.
NFL: Buffalo Bills & Green Bay Packers
Stay single and enjoy your hobbies to the fullest. Get a pet they are the best and use your whole home as your man cave and not your wives old shoe cabinet in a dark corner.
NFL: Buffalo Bills & Green Bay Packers
NFL: Buffalo Bills & Green Bay Packers
unfortunately. you can't live with a woman but you can't live without them.
Oh I can easily live without them best years of my life so far.
NFL: Buffalo Bills & Green Bay Packers