35th Anniversary of PCGS Grading - Calling for your help locating just three Rattler Morgan's?

Hello Fellow registry set enthusiasts - I have been asked by a fellow collector to help him complete an unbelievable full set of Morgan Silver dollars housed in PCGS First Generation "Rattler" holders - He is only missing 3 coins and I am hoping all of you can help me find them so He can complete the entire 105 coin set - He is missing an 1897-O, an 1889-CC and the 1895-O doesn't matter the grade - he even has 80 or so duplicates on the same coins in PL and in DMPL - super crazy and cool. The set has been assembled literally over the past 35 years starting with his Father who has since past. Please reach out to me with any leads to track these down - we need you help - here are some images we have found through the archives that may prove these coins still exist in their rattler holders.
Message us or email us cbtazman@realamericantreasure.com or call us 805-971-9097
Thanks in Advance for Joining the HUNT
Christopher Bryan
Real American Treasure
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Real American Treasure
The 1897-O Morgan dollar you have shown an image of has been cracked out and regraded. Therefore, the rattler is lost. You can tell this by going to the PCGS Cert Verification page and typing in the cert number. If you do, you will receive a message that this cert is no longer valid. That happens when a coin is cracked out of its holder for regrade either by PCGS or by the submitter who also returns the original paper insert.
In honor of the memory of Cpl. Michael E. Thompson
Thanks Tom - I have seen a number of reasons why certs do not show up in the verify engine on PCGS - for instance we have an 1891-S in 65 in a rattler holder shown here that I have been unable to get fixed at PCGS to be able to add this coin to an amazing Date set of Morgan's listed on the registry site currently 32 or 33 - so I can't rely on a no coin "We're sorry, that certification number was not found. Please double check the number and try again." as definitive proof that a coin has been cracked out - In fact I have been doing months of research gathering information on coins - picture proof - and more that have been re-graded and cracked out of their original rattler holders - I still would like PCGS to fix this one for me. Thank you very much for reaching out!
Real American Treasure
I guess it's possible that it could still be around and I hope it is for you and your client.
The issue with the certs beginning with 50 has been known for quite a while and was acknowledged by PCGS many years ago on these boards. I am not aware of any issue for other certs, but it could certainly be the case. Good luck with the hunt!
In honor of the memory of Cpl. Michael E. Thompson
I have been collecting Rattlers since 2006 and at first they were hard to find. But not today.
My first Generation Rattler set
And been working on the date set of Morgan dollars and still looking for two dates in a rattler 1894 and 1895 any mint.
I don't have the three you are looking for.
But if he has 102 rattlers for the set that has to be a unique set! Well Done, keep looking you will find them one day.
Thank you for posting up - and great job on your sets - I will keep an eye out for you on the 1894 and 1895 those were the toughest years for me to complete my date set and I did upgrade both years - the 1894 I upgraded twice - so their are at least my two spares out there in rattler holders. Keep the faith - cbtazman@realamericantreasure.com
Real American Treasure
Join Instagram and make this post there,plenty of people who collect older generation slabs that might have some leads for you. Here is my IG page. You can find everyone through my followers and who I follow. Awesome coin community there