Coin Archives?

I'm a new collector in ancient coins. Is coin archives the standard site for finding comprehensive historical auction pricing for coins? Or are there other sites as well? Thanks so much!
I'm a new collector in ancient coins. Is coin archives the standard site for finding comprehensive historical auction pricing for coins? Or are there other sites as well? Thanks so much!
If you are referring to Sixbid, I believe it is a paid subscription. I have used the free version in the past but did not find it useful, too many unrelated results returned in the search and seemingly in no logical order. If it is the same one you are referring to, I'd never pay anything for it.
Heritage is the best free one I know, for Ancients or otherwise. is the primary competitor to CoinArchives.
Welcome! This thread might be helpful to you:
Some of the auction sites have good archives information on past sales that can be useful as well, but that will only show you their own results.
Thanks so much! That's very helpful. I've signed up for ACSearch now. Looks great! Appreciate it.