How do I remove for good a picture I used in the gallery.
I've mucking with this problem off and on for the past year or so. When I was working on a showcase, I clicked on the wrong picture to use for the front. How the heck can I delete the picture in the gallery, and not have it show up anywhere?? Thanks for any help you give me.
Two quick suggestions...
Delete the card from your inventory, it should then disappear.
Once in your Gallery, click on the should then bring up a selection (upper right I think) to delete the pic...might not totally kill the card, but worth a shot. I think the inventory thing is key.
How do I get into the gallery once I've deleted the card?
Should be a link to Gallery, or if you go to your Registry set, there should be a little camera icon, which is the gallery icon.
Does it being a showcase make any difference?
Well, I finally got the first card finished. Now on the second one and I've worked on it for about 3.5 hours. Would one of you be so kind as to write out specifically how to do this. I must be missing something, but can't figure out what.
Think I have a handle on deleting pictures. I go to my gallery, left click on the card and then left click again. Doing this brings up the pics for the player, you go to the bottom of the square that also appears. left click REMOVE and go down further and click OK
I think that's what I said above...perhaps not clearly, but close enough. They should offer a tutorial on how to use the software, shouldn't have to hunt and peck to self teach the process.
I don't know sir, Your first instruction was to delete the card from my inventory and then go to my gallery. I didn't have to delete from the inventory and then like I said I left clicked on the card and went from there.