Want to buy} Poland 10 Zlotych & El Salvador (Columbus) Peso & several others
Hi all,
I'm looking for
(1) Poland 10 Zlotych (Queen Jadwiga)...preferably straight graded PCGS or NGC (will also consider Anacs/ICG, less expensive raw)
(2) El Salvador Peso (1892-1914) and/or 50 Centavos (1892-1894) {the ones that feature Columbus)...PCGS or NGC (will also consider Anacs/ICG)
(3) Coins from the following areas - raw or graded (especially silver and preferably dated between 1992 and modern day):
~Tajikistan %
~South Ossetia %
~Nagorno-Karabakh %
~Transnistria %
~Azerbaijan %
% = have one...less of a priority now but will still consider something interesting
Please send a picture and a price (for Paypal G&S).
Thank you!
never even heard of half of those places
wonder what their coins look like.... off to google.
I have a coin from most of these places.
I've actually been to Moldova and Transnistria - not officially though. Kind of snuck through surreptitiously whilst in route to somewhere else. Roads in the ex-USSR don't always adhere to what are now national boundaries.
Any for sale?
half of those places are made up!
All real! But they might as well be made up for most on here.

I had a silver dollar sized coin from afghanistan I haven't seen it in years
, it was pretty neat I'll have to look for it this weekend
Bump...updates in first post
Karl Stephens might be able to help. Very honest and Knowledgeable.
TTT...updated in first post
Still looking
Bump...new item added to want list....Poland 10 Zlotych
Bump...list updated
still searching
Any leads?
Not an easy search