Incorrect Set Composition weights in Roosevelt Dime Registry set.

I had a phone conversation with Dannie Biddle this a.m. regarding Registry quality Roosevelt dimes. The question came up about the grading weight of certain Roosies. We both were on our computers as well. In checking the weight of a dime in question, we quickly realized all circulation strikes in the 46 to present fb set with proofs had a weight of one. Further investigation revealed 46 to 64, 46 to present and 65 to present fb basic set circulation strikes with proofs as well as the same sets with major varieties added all have the weights listed as a one weight. Circulation strike sets have the weights listed correctly. A call to the Registry line confirmed there is an issue. Jakqlyne is on top of it. She will keep me advised. I have dealt with her in the past and I'm confident the issue will be resolved. I wish all CSR's were as good as she is.
I do not have very many sets in other denominations so unsure if any others are affected. You may want to check.