If you were to start a collection, which lot would you take? Please VOTE!

Please be honest and don’t vote for me just because u don’t like richy or don’t vote me richy just because u don’t like me.
ejones06's cards
01 02 Flight Team Sasser RC #114/500
99 00 SPx Devean George RC #0967/2500
00 01 Hoops Hot Prospects Claxton JSY RC #0778/1000
00 01 Hoops Hot Prospects Jamaal Magloire JSY RC #0780/1000
00 01 Hoops Hot Prospects Keyon Dooling JSY RC #0333/1000
94 95 Skybox Premium Draft Pick Eddie Jones
98 99 UD Encore Ricky Davis RC
98 99 UD Encore Vince Carter RC
98 99 Brilliants Olowokandi RC
98 99 Brillaints Rashard Lewis RC
98 99 Brillaints Ricky Davis RC
98 99 Brillaints Pierce RC
98 99 Brillaints Dirk RC
98 99 Brillaints Vince Carter RC
00 01 fleer Showcase Quentin Richardson RC #0388/1500
01 02 SPx Jeryl Sasser JSY AU RC #717/800
00 01 UD Encore Dooling RC #/1600
00 01 UD Encore Morris Peterson RC #/1600
00 01 UD Encore Quentin Richardson RC #/1600
00 01 UD Encore Jamaal Magloire RC #/1600
00 01 UD Encore Claxton RC #/1600
99 00 EX Baron Davis RC #/3499
99 00 EX Shawn Marion RC #/3499
99 00 EX Jason Terry RC #/3499
99 00 EX Jonathan Bender RC #/3499
99 00 EX Wally Szczerbiak RC #/3499
99 00 EX Lamar Odom RC RC #/3499
00 01 Genuine Gilert Arenas RC #/1000 (Pending)
01 02 Honor Roll Sasser RC #/1814/2499
95 96 EX-L Kevin Garnett RC
00 01 Genuine Dooling RC #1500
00 01 Genuine Deshawn RC #/1500
00 01 Genuine Magloire RC #/1500
00 01 Genuine Claxton RC #/1500
98 99 E-X Century Pierce RC
99 00 SPx Ron Artest AU RC #/2500
96 97 UD3 Kobe Bryant RC
96 97 UD3 Derek Fisher RC
96 97 Finest Kittles RC
96 97 Finest Fisher RC
96 97 Finest Jermaine O’neal RC
96 97 Finest Steve Nash RC
96 97 Finest Kobe Bryant RC
96 97 Finest ray Allen RC
96 97 Lucky 13 Kittles
99 00 EX Elton Brand RC /3499
99 00 Ex Rip Hamilton RC #/3499
00 01 Fleer Showcase Magloire RC #1500
98 99 EX Century Dirk Nowitzki RC
00 01 SP Authentic Magloire RC #/1250
97 98 Finest Tim Thomas RC
97 98 Finest Mcgrady RC
97 98 Finest Duncan RC
96 97 EX2000 Kittles RC
96 97 EX2000 Ray Allen RC
94 95 Finest Eddie Jones RC
98 99 EX Century Ricky Davis RC
00 01 EX Deshawn RC #0847/1500
00 01 EX Dooling RC #0291/1250
00 01 EX Q. Richardson RC #/1000
96 97 SP Kobe RC (Pend)
98 99 Brilliants Bonzi Wells RC
98 99 Brillaints Bonzi Wells RC BGS9
96 97 Flair Showcase Row 2 Iverson RC
Incoming Cards
Genuine Diop RC #ed
98 99 SP SOTT Olowokandi
00 01 Hoops Hot Prospects Deshawn JSY RC #/1000
00 01 Hoops Hot Prospects Cleaves JSY RC #/1000
00 01 Black Diamond Deshawn JSY RC #ED
00 01 Hoops Hot Prospects Quentin Richardson JSY RC #/1000
98 99 E-X Century Bibby RC
00 01 Genuine Morris Peterson RC #/1500
01 02 Legends Tinsley Redemption RC
98 99 UD Encore Pierce RC
97 98 Finest Derek Anderson RC
more cards on my site!
richy's cards
1. Authentix Kenyon MArtin Courtside Classics Shorts/Seat BV 25
2. Flight Team Jason Kidd Jersey /125 BV 75
3. Upper Deck Rookie Threads Jersey Richard Jefferson BV 30
4. Honor Roll Tmac/Hunter Jersey BV 25
5. Force True Colors Francis /400 BV 25
6. Finest Kobe Bryant RC BV 60
7. Finest Richard Hamiton RC /2000 BV 20
8. Hoops Hot Prospects Kenyon MArtin RC /1000 BV 60
9. Ultimate Collection Gerald Wallace RC /750 BV 60
10. Sp authentic Troy Murphey RC/AUTO /700 BV 40
11. Sp Authentic Steven Hunter RC/AUTO /700 BV 40
12. Playmakers Kobe Bryant Bobble Head (2) BV 40 each
13. Playmakers Jason Richardson Bobble Head BV 30
14. Playmakers Kenyon Martin Bobble Head (2) BV 25 each
15. Black Diamond Kenyon MArtin RC /900 BV 30
16. Vince Carter Vincesainty Collection Jersey bv 50
17. Topps Reserve Francis Jersey bv 25
18. Ultimate Collection Kenyon Martin JSY bv 40
19. Pros and Prospects Stromile Swift JSY/AUTO bv 50
20. Stromile Swift Sp Game Floor Rcs /300 (2) bv 40 each
21. Sp Authentic Jamaal Tinsley RC/AUTO /700 bv 120
22. Sp Authentic Michael Jordan Spectaculars /1000 BV 50
Now Collecting- Ed Belfour, any RedWings, Brian Griese, Bobby Higginson, Will Clark, U of M players
Let me Know what you have!
Bad Trader: Heavyd5424
theres more of my cards
Jonathan Bender
as a set collector the best to build from is ejones
Email me directly at tonytune@aol.com
3 bobble heads..so what? aren't even cards and shouldnt even be on the list.
2 sp au rc's leave me w/ one q. who is steven hunter and who is troy?
a mj insert thats way overbooked considering its #ed to 1000
9 gu that will never go up in value but can only decline.
7 who is swift? your the only one dumb enough to collect him..
the only true gems u got on ur list are these below..
6. Finest Kobe Bryant RC BV 60
7. Finest Richard Hamiton RC /2000 BV 20
8. Hoops Hot Prospects Kenyon MArtin RC /1000 BV 60
9. Ultimate Collection Gerald Wallace RC /750 BV 60
15. Black Diamond Kenyon MArtin RC /900 BV 30
21. Sp Authentic Jamaal Tinsley RC/AUTO /700 bv 120
in the long run richy my man, my cards are gonna be better because all my cards listed have room to move. you only have 6 rc's that can acutally sore...
Jonathan Bender
would choose ours as it has a great mix of baseball/football/hockey
We are mainly focusing on hockey right now!
Dad & Son
! ! Greatest Country on Earth ! !
WANTS:Nicer Cal Ripken Inserts.
Also want RCs of current Football-Hockey future stars.
References:We have traded with many traders on this forum.We can provide list on request.
btw, poll isnt over yet. not much people on cu tonight cuz everyone is out w/ fireworks.
Jonathan Bender
Glenn Robinson Auto Collection 7/21
Jonathan Bender
"Stop talking, negotiating,
Your feeble attempts at world peace
Give me a %#@*ing break
Need worldwide genocide, planetary suicide
And when the whole damn world is dead
there's your %#@*ing peace"
Most of these clowns wouldn't last 5 minutes on the ice,that is of course if they even had the ability to learn how to skate which I seriously doubt most could even do.
As far as value of collection goes,we collect the players that we love to watch, so all those cards are priceless to us!! You sound like so many of the other greedy people in this hobby just for the $$.Well,you go right ahead & keep thinking that way.We'll still be enjoying our collection of our favorite players & teams while you greedy nimrods worry everyday if this player or that player $$ value has dropped.
So,keep watching the NBA Jerik,they need all the viewers they can get.They keep losing more fans each year both live & on TV.Not even ESPN/ABC will be able to save this flusher.That's why NBC dumped them.Later!
Dad & Son
! ! Greatest Country on Earth ! !
WANTS:Nicer Cal Ripken Inserts.
Also want RCs of current Football-Hockey future stars.
References:We have traded with many traders on this forum.We can provide list on request.
here goes that 14 yr old again...
bige know's who has the better cards..
basketball is way more exciting to watch. its a more uptempo game w/ fast breaks, dunks, etc. you have players like carter, tmac, francis just dazzle us w/ spectacular dunks, nice feeds, etc. not to mention, you have heart-breakers once in a while such as buzzer beaters to advance onto the next level in the post season, etc.
finish it off jerik
what are you trying to prove?? that your collection is better than richy's?? umm... ok..
who is swift?? lets see... i actually was gonna collect his good rcs til i realized i was short on money... yeh, he'll be pretty dmn good
btw, in your lot you got a bunch of RCs that are worth jack (ud encore for example)
sure you got a couple good ones, but c'mon, so does richy
btw, hocky is VERY FUN to watch. soccer is better though. you have to know the game to like it. thats why i hate baseball. it's poinltess to me.... no action at all
Ebay ID: mysteryman152
"Kid, get off me! Go back to school"
eat this, nikobe
<< <i>Yeah Bobstar, the NBA is SOOOO boring. Especially when compared to Hockeys 2-3 goals scored per game. Yeah it's all kinds of fun watching grown men skate around flinging a puck for 3 hours. Soccer on ice? Yeah that sounds like a blast. And baseball? Oh yeah- you better enjoy what little season is left, because there is about to be YET ANOTHER strike..... then you can watch your baseball collection's value head right down the sh!tter where the selfish, @$shole players belong. But what are we really missing? We all know the Yankees will just win it again with ease, yeah that's lots of fun, and packed with suspense and drama.
Erik >>
LOL! I agree. Bobstar...First, I want to make the distinction between viewing a game impartially and having a team or player I want to win. Having a rooting interest can make a sport far more interesting than not having one. Having a rooting interest can make a particular contest exciting in a way it would never be to me if I did not care who won and were just watching impartially. This is about the difference in how interesting a sport is likely to be to me as an impartial viewer. That is, American football tends to be interesting to me sometimes even if I do not care who wins, whereas a soccer match might only be interesting to me if I care which team wins, as in watching Olympic soccer.
Second, I must admit I am somewhat jaded by most sporting events because I have seen lots of sports on television over the years, and, now, except for an occasional exceptional play, or an occasional player or team with exceptional skills, most of it is pretty much like what I have seen before. To spend two or three hours watching something I have essentially seen many times before, whose outcome I don't really care about because I am not rooting for a particular team or player, is of little value or interest to me. The same thing that was of interest to me when I was 10 or 15 years old is no longer of interest in this regard because it is not new and unusual.
Third, I want to make the distinction between enjoying playing a sport and enjoying watching it. I love to play tennis, but I don't particularly enjoy watching tennis, especially on television. Occasionally there is some spectacularly well-played, exciting match but they are few and far between. For the most part watching others play tennis is about as exciting as watching two people I don't know or care about kiss. Some things are better in the doing with the right person than in the watching.
I think there are two things that, when they do not go well, work against hockey and soccer for me; and I think that in other sports these same things can operate during any particular contest to make that particular game be boring. The two things are: (1) whether something meaningful is likely to happen at any given moment during the contest, and (2) whether the contest gets decided long before it is over or not. In some sports, or in any sport during some games, aspect (1) also determines aspect (2) because of the nature of the game. Sports like soccer and ice hockey are so difficult to score in for numerous reasons, that there are few moments where a team has a reasonable chance to score, even though the defense does not have to be spectacular to prevent it because the nature of the game itself makes scoring so difficult. It is not that the defense has to be especially noticeable as it is in football or in a great pitching and fielding game in baseball, in order to prevent scoring. It is that the offense must be spectacular (and, often, lucky) in ice hockey and in soccer in order to score at all. And because of that, if a team can get ahead early in the game by more than two goals, it makes it so difficult for the other team to win (except in one case I will discuss below) that it tends to put the game out of reach early and determine the outcome.
In any possible sport, if we consider relatively equal opponents, there is some ratio or typical balance of offense to defense in the sense that opponents will each score some percentage of the time they have an opportunity. There is some sense of how easy it is to score versus how easy it is to prevent scoring. In offensive sports, there will be more scoring by both sides because in those games scoring is easier than preventing scoring. In defensive sports, scoring is very difficult and it is much easier to prevent scoring than to score. In sports or games in which defense is almost totally dominant, scores are almost always low, and they are sometimes boring sports or games for the same reason as are those games where both offenses score virtually at will and there is very little effective defense.
During the normal course of play, hockey and soccer games I have watched without having a partial interest in one of the teams seem to me not to have sufficient individual plays to make them interesting, nor sufficient realistic scoring opportunities to make them interesting. Moreover, although occasionally in hockey and soccer a score is the result of superior strategy, teamwork, or skill, the difference between scoring a goal and just missing one or having one blocked is more a matter of luck than skill. In ice hockey in particular, it is not clear why some shots slip through and others miss, other than luck. Yet because goals are so scarce in hockey, a luck shot can determine the outcome of the game and it can dictate the style of play. Moreover, once an offensively weak team is behind by two or three goals, the game's outcome is pretty much determined because in hockey and soccer, as in four-corners basketball, there are not enough realistic scoring opportunities left in the game. Similarly in a relatively strong offensive, high scoring sport, a game can get out of hand early if a stronger team gets ahead because there is not sufficient realistic opportunity to limit their continued offensive output later to catch up with them.
American football seems to recognize the need for reasonable proportional chances to make significant scores or stops of scoring. When outside factors, such as kicking strength improvements, change the scoring balance significantly, the leagues affected will change the rules between seasons in order to restore the balance. Once kickers could kick the ball on kick-offs past the endzone or could make field goals from too many different field positions, kick-off lines were moved back to allow greater possibility of runbacks, and goal posts were moved back, and the spot for giving possession to the defensive team for missed field goals was changed in order to put more risk in trying to kick longer field goals and to make it harder to kick them successfully.The problem, to me, with soccer and hockey is that there is not likely to be much scoring and if some scoring does occur early, it tends to determine the game too soon. In the same way, but from the opposite direction, the problem with some basketball games is that there is so little defense that a few missed baskets tend to determine the outcome of the game. What I want is for games to give the team that is behind a realistic opportunity still to win. And I want offensive and defensive ability to count for more than just luck in determining whether a score is made or prevented.
If my theory is correct, and if many Americans who do not find hockey interesting are like me, it would follow that we would be more interested in hockey if scoring were sufficiently easier that any game which is, say 4 - 1, early, is not thereby virtually over. If most ice hockey games needed something like 12 or 15 goals to win, and if the rinks or nets were larger, or if there were fewer players just "clogging up" scoring lanes, or if rules were changed to allow scoring to have a higher probability than it does now, we should then find the sport more exciting. That, of course, is not something for the purist, nor would it be the same sport in terms of history and tradition. But if the idea is to promote fan interest in a sport something like hockey or soccer, something of that sort might be both necessary and sufficient, if I am correct.
In other words, I have no use for hockey.
Hockey my friend...is for penguins
Email me directly at tonytune@aol.com
yeah, ur just backing up your buddy opie cuz u the one that got him here on cu and u guys are friends. that i understand, but i dont understand the fact that u backing him up cuz he sent you some freebie randolphs..
p.s man derrick, thats the longest post i ever seen here
falling year after year.As far as hockey not being on major networks;
while that is true doesn't take away from the excitment of the sport itself vesus watching say an NBA game which to me is like watching paint dry.
They really need to do a major overhaul & David Stern,commisioner knows it & has even discussed it with owners,players & ESPN/ABC.
I used to be a huge NBA fan but having watched over the past few years it deterioate into a shadow of its former self;to me it's now unwatchable whether live or on TV.College basketball is far more exciting & we watch it alot during the season but once these guys hit the pros they fall into the same boring system the rest of them are in.
Derrick,I just hope you didn't get writers cramp man,LOL.From what I can gather from your long dribble tho,you need to be watching more hockey.There were a number of games last year where a team was up by 3 or even 4 goals & the other team came back to win.
The most exciting game was when Montreal was ahead of Carolina in a playoff game 3-1 & Carolina came back & won 4-3 & went on to the Stanley Cup finals!!
Just my opinion,but the NBA needs alot of fixing.I'll take the NHL & their limited scoring,fast action,superior athletes,great defense, awesome goalies,great scorers & rabid fans anyday over the tiresome antics they try to market as a sport in the NBA.Later!
Dad & Son
! ! Greatest Country on Earth ! !
WANTS:Nicer Cal Ripken Inserts.
Also want RCs of current Football-Hockey future stars.
References:We have traded with many traders on this forum.We can provide list on request.
LMAO!! Yea you have to be real cool to know how to skate on ice, they get all the babes, i personally do know how to skate on ice and it takes no talent what so ever to know how to play hockey, basketball is way beter, hockey sux.
ai chrome, kobe winning mats,kobe/jrich dual....thats 380.00!
For some reason that annoys me. Just say "ttt" or something to that nature! "Toppa" reminds me of some jungle lingo of some sorts.
for some reason, it doesn't sound right. lol
<< <i>
<< <i>Yeah Bobstar, the NBA is SOOOO boring. Especially when compared to Hockeys 2-3 goals scored per game. Yeah it's all kinds of fun watching grown men skate around flinging a puck for 3 hours. Soccer on ice? Yeah that sounds like a blast. And baseball? Oh yeah- you better enjoy what little season is left, because there is about to be YET ANOTHER strike..... then you can watch your baseball collection's value head right down the sh!tter where the selfish, @$shole players belong. But what are we really missing? We all know the Yankees will just win it again with ease, yeah that's lots of fun, and packed with suspense and drama.
Erik >>
LOL! I agree. Bobstar...First, I want to make the distinction between viewing a game impartially and having a team or player I want to win. Having a rooting interest can make a sport far more interesting than not having one. Having a rooting interest can make a particular contest exciting in a way it would never be to me if I did not care who won and were just watching impartially. This is about the difference in how interesting a sport is likely to be to me as an impartial viewer. That is, American football tends to be interesting to me sometimes even if I do not care who wins, whereas a soccer match might only be interesting to me if I care which team wins, as in watching Olympic soccer.
Second, I must admit I am somewhat jaded by most sporting events because I have seen lots of sports on television over the years, and, now, except for an occasional exceptional play, or an occasional player or team with exceptional skills, most of it is pretty much like what I have seen before. To spend two or three hours watching something I have essentially seen many times before, whose outcome I don't really care about because I am not rooting for a particular team or player, is of little value or interest to me. The same thing that was of interest to me when I was 10 or 15 years old is no longer of interest in this regard because it is not new and unusual.
Third, I want to make the distinction between enjoying playing a sport and enjoying watching it. I love to play tennis, but I don't particularly enjoy watching tennis, especially on television. Occasionally there is some spectacularly well-played, exciting match but they are few and far between. For the most part watching others play tennis is about as exciting as watching two people I don't know or care about kiss. Some things are better in the doing with the right person than in the watching.
I think there are two things that, when they do not go well, work against hockey and soccer for me; and I think that in other sports these same things can operate during any particular contest to make that particular game be boring. The two things are: (1) whether something meaningful is likely to happen at any given moment during the contest, and (2) whether the contest gets decided long before it is over or not. In some sports, or in any sport during some games, aspect (1) also determines aspect (2) because of the nature of the game. Sports like soccer and ice hockey are so difficult to score in for numerous reasons, that there are few moments where a team has a reasonable chance to score, even though the defense does not have to be spectacular to prevent it because the nature of the game itself makes scoring so difficult. It is not that the defense has to be especially noticeable as it is in football or in a great pitching and fielding game in baseball, in order to prevent scoring. It is that the offense must be spectacular (and, often, lucky) in ice hockey and in soccer in order to score at all. And because of that, if a team can get ahead early in the game by more than two goals, it makes it so difficult for the other team to win (except in one case I will discuss below) that it tends to put the game out of reach early and determine the outcome.
In any possible sport, if we consider relatively equal opponents, there is some ratio or typical balance of offense to defense in the sense that opponents will each score some percentage of the time they have an opportunity. There is some sense of how easy it is to score versus how easy it is to prevent scoring. In offensive sports, there will be more scoring by both sides because in those games scoring is easier than preventing scoring. In defensive sports, scoring is very difficult and it is much easier to prevent scoring than to score. In sports or games in which defense is almost totally dominant, scores are almost always low, and they are sometimes boring sports or games for the same reason as are those games where both offenses score virtually at will and there is very little effective defense.
During the normal course of play, hockey and soccer games I have watched without having a partial interest in one of the teams seem to me not to have sufficient individual plays to make them interesting, nor sufficient realistic scoring opportunities to make them interesting. Moreover, although occasionally in hockey and soccer a score is the result of superior strategy, teamwork, or skill, the difference between scoring a goal and just missing one or having one blocked is more a matter of luck than skill. In ice hockey in particular, it is not clear why some shots slip through and others miss, other than luck. Yet because goals are so scarce in hockey, a luck shot can determine the outcome of the game and it can dictate the style of play. Moreover, once an offensively weak team is behind by two or three goals, the game's outcome is pretty much determined because in hockey and soccer, as in four-corners basketball, there are not enough realistic scoring opportunities left in the game. Similarly in a relatively strong offensive, high scoring sport, a game can get out of hand early if a stronger team gets ahead because there is not sufficient realistic opportunity to limit their continued offensive output later to catch up with them.
American football seems to recognize the need for reasonable proportional chances to make significant scores or stops of scoring. When outside factors, such as kicking strength improvements, change the scoring balance significantly, the leagues affected will change the rules between seasons in order to restore the balance. Once kickers could kick the ball on kick-offs past the endzone or could make field goals from too many different field positions, kick-off lines were moved back to allow greater possibility of runbacks, and goal posts were moved back, and the spot for giving possession to the defensive team for missed field goals was changed in order to put more risk in trying to kick longer field goals and to make it harder to kick them successfully.The problem, to me, with soccer and hockey is that there is not likely to be much scoring and if some scoring does occur early, it tends to determine the game too soon. In the same way, but from the opposite direction, the problem with some basketball games is that there is so little defense that a few missed baskets tend to determine the outcome of the game. What I want is for games to give the team that is behind a realistic opportunity still to win. And I want offensive and defensive ability to count for more than just luck in determining whether a score is made or prevented.
If my theory is correct, and if many Americans who do not find hockey interesting are like me, it would follow that we would be more interested in hockey if scoring were sufficiently easier that any game which is, say 4 - 1, early, is not thereby virtually over. If most ice hockey games needed something like 12 or 15 goals to win, and if the rinks or nets were larger, or if there were fewer players just "clogging up" scoring lanes, or if rules were changed to allow scoring to have a higher probability than it does now, we should then find the sport more exciting. That, of course, is not something for the purist, nor would it be the same sport in terms of history and tradition. But if the idea is to promote fan interest in a sport something like hockey or soccer, something of that sort might be both necessary and sufficient, if I am correct.
In other words, I have no use for hockey. >>
Derrick, u have NO Life...